
„Verträge bleiben schwach – Zwiebeln zumeist nur mitel

„Verträge bleiben schwach – Zwiebeln zumeist nur mitel

August 30, 2024

The Austrian Zwiebelmarkt says it’s a good deal for last time. Erntarbeiten laufen moment at high revs.

Image source: Pixabay

The Erträge bleiben schwach and the Zwiebel zumeist nur mittel-bis kleinefallend.

Neben dem summer ruhigen aber sttigen Absatz in Inland will be well strengthened for export in the direction of South and East Europe.

The Erzeugerpreise is a little longer than a week. For the smallest cases, put and sort in the box you will start with the quality of 20 – 23 Euro/100 kg.

For smaller parts, Germans are few and far between and for larger cases more important.

Source: LKÖ

Release date: 30.08.2024