
Wiener Märkte pictures “Long Night”

Wiener Märkte pictures “Long Night”

Hüpfburg, Wienerlied, Drag-Show – the Rahmenprogramm of the “Langen Nacht der Wiener Märkte” presented Vielfalt. More than 100 art and culture studies appeared at the 17th market. Alle Wiener Detailmärkte, verilt über elf Bezirke, machen mit. It’s not like it’s only been a week since Montag’s family went to Samstag. So it’s time to go to the Karmeliter-, Rochus- and Brunnenmarkt until 11 p.m. to enjoy, spend and enjoy Einkaufen.

Appropriate for holidays, the children’s program is especially great. Young Besucherinnen and Besucher can enjoy themselves at Bobby-Car-Rennen, Children’s Theater, Children’s Face Painting and Magic Shows. There is no marketware that can find a comparable standard in the “Long Night”. At the Brunnenmarkt, über 70 Ausstellerinnen and Aussteller beispielsweise Schmuck, Naturkosmetik, Fashion and hand-empowered Kulinarik and. Food-Trucks very good for culinary food at the Yppenplatz.

A singer and a guitarist play for an audience during the long night of the market.

PID/Christian Fürthner

Since 17 March, the music program has been planted

Spezialmärkte und über zehn Musikacts am Naschmarkt

Auch der Naschmarkt is open for the “Long Night of the Wiener Market” in Angebot. These publications are a Dog and Cat Market, Flohmarkt stand, an African Market and Crafts on the market. Außerdem was tanzt entlang der Wienzeile Salsa. Neben Tanzshows will feature a Schnupper Workshop at 8:15 p.m., and a Salsa Straßen Party will start half an hour later.

Event rental

“Long Night of the Wiener Märkten”, August 30, until 11 p.m., at 17 Wiener Märkten

Das Treiben auf all teilnehmenden Marken is accompanied by music. Especially the music program at the market, including their acts. A nice change in the market is the music that is played, there is a great sense of genre. If the Schleifmühlbrücke is a Swing and Soul music, while Johanna-Bauer-Platz is wind music and Wienerlied, Berber on the Naschmarkt is jazzy and electronic.

A Gemüsestand on the market is the long night of the Wiener Markt.

PID/Christian Fürthner

The market stall is visible at the “Langen Nacht der Wiener Märkte” until 11 p.m.

Besucherzahlen bereits verdoppelt

Around 85,000 visitors and visitors came to the first “Langen Nacht”, an der 13 Markteilnahmen. Letztes Jahr were achieved 17 Market dabei and the Besucherzahlen verdoppelten sich. More than 160,000 people are present in September with the extended opening hours and the show programme. “With the ‘Langen Nacht’ we will be happy with the market and more in the awareness of the young people and the young people,” says Marktamtsdirector Andreas Kutheil in an article.

The market development rate is so great that it is raised and a new skill is won. The plan is ready, if I the first Mark quickly 30 percent more purchases and purchases when I am on the Zeitraum des Vorjahres. Nor deutlicher said that the trend is at a certain moment on the market. 70 percent more skill had the Carmelite market, the Viktor-Adler- and Hannover market could double their visitor numbers.