
Climate protection, nature conservation and insurer reduction are lighter than comfort building sets

Climate protection, nature conservation and insurer reduction are lighter than comfort building sets


Perpetrator Letter to the City of Vienna

A Mag. Michael Ludwig
Mayor of Vienna

A Mag.a Ulrike Sima
Stadträtin für Verkehrsplanung

A Mag. Jürgen Czernohorszky
City street for environmental protection

Vienna, on 29.8.2024

A4-Redimensionierung JETZT: Climate protection statt Komfortbaustelle

A4 Autobahngeneralerneuerung vom Knoten Prater bis Knoten Schwechat: Climate protection, natural protection and traffic reduction since more important as comfort construction

Sehr geehrter Herr Bürgermeister! See you soon Frau Stadträtin! Sehr geehrter Herr Stadtrat!

The savory of the Environmental Information Sanfrage from 26.7.2024 (s. Beilage) bestätigt the Sorge of the Wiener and Wienerinnen um the newer planted Baumfällungen of 1040 Einzelbäumen, anyway that Rodung zahlreicher sisterätzlicher Jungbäume and Sträucher for the Generalsanierung of A4.

The enormous Flächeninanspruchnahme is just like the Baumrodungen rührt daher, which is a two-way traffic flow in the construction area of ​​the ASFINAG as notoriously angenommen and of the Stadt Wien unhinterfragt hingenommen. Start by offering a product with its fragmentary knowledge and an alternative to an alternative.

Take care of the temporary sanitary tasks

With regard to the urban development, a new design version of 1300 m², in any case, a larger version of the construction design along with the expansion of the construction process.

Genehmigt the city a “temporäre” Rodung more sensible Restbestände of the Prater-Auwalds of über 13,000 m² (Lucie Goldner Promenade), which is a non-wiederbringliche Eingriffe in ökological Habitat, is thus more Kühlungsverluste and jahrzehntelange ökologische Regenerierung bedeutet.

gewährt and unterstützt the city a building construction, although the combined sanitation costs are a million beträge in the high treibt – Gelder, the man without a doubt in the Ausbau and the ertüchtigung des Öffi-, Rad- and Fußverkehrs invests sollte.

let the Viennese Mobility Planung a Verschlechterung der besthenden Hauptkanal-Service-Straße für Radfahrer: enter through the Verschmälerung der Radspur and Rückbau von Lärmschutz.

insult the Vienna Transport Policy a clear unequal treatment of MIV-, Rad- and Öffi-Nutzer:innen. If you have carried out the general general connections (Stammstrecke, U4, S80, ua), most transports as the A4 connections are blocked to a complete level.

The Masterplan of the A4-Renovation – and the coordination of the existing management of the city of Vienna – is absolutely the best and the last that lacks integrative traffic plan. The redevelopment lies in the fact that a metropolitan traffic network provides a comparable lifestyle and dense mobility forms, which are offered for foreign alternatives. However, the Renovation Plan concentrates only on the maintenance of the KFZ traffic flows at the status quo. There are no alternative options for expanding the A4, but there are no large quantities of ganzheitlichen thought, but the longevity of a real copy of the A4 and the desired display of the commuter currents on the external screen.

If you take the initiative to purify the plants, the motorway will be dry during the winter and the burden on the Wiener Autofahrer will be damned: he can no longer see any more KFZ-Pendler in the city.

Dieser kurz for Umsetzung stehende A4-Sanierungsmasterplan

proposes an ökologically unresponsive approach to biodiversity, habitat protection and the urgently necessary habitats (Erhalt und Ausbau von kühlenden Grünflächen) there.
sets up an economic ungoverned enterprise with the infrastructure and infrastructure budgets, the same economic irresponsible enterprise with cleverly made building materials (and the associated ressourcen-kreisläufen) of (v. Stadtziele / EU taxonomy).

a socially fair and intelligent lending mobility organization that helps the city itself.

and a contract with the car sales in the city to reduce, those costs and green space disruptions are being created, one of the construction work KFZ shuttles: those are and uninhibited in the city center of their locks.

Our expectations:

Vorrang for Baumschutz, Artenschutz and the same Hitzeschutzmaßnahmen

Views of the Dramatic Hitzeentwicklung Wiens hat der Erhalt von Bäumen und Grünflächen und der Erhalt von Kühlachsen upper Priorität:

Keine Massen-Rodungen von wertvollem Großbaumfile, Böschungen. Keine Denaturierungen und Versiegelungen NUR FÜR SANIERUNGSMASSNAHMEN!

Integrated, timely mobility planning – Alternatives for planting comfort construction

The City of Wien is suitable for the community decision in the Fachkonzept Mobilität zum Ziel
Settled, the modal split of car sales by 2030 from 26% to 15% is reduced, and the coalitions of SPÖ and Neos are aiming for a halving of commuter traffic. Dazu is an integrated insurer that fully works and inspires all infrastructure mass values ​​of MIV, Offis, Foot and Wheel traffic to the transition from Car to Offis or Wheel. Integrated traffic planning is one of the most important things that Hebel has done, where the major traffic flows are determined, under the following, when large, year-long binding construction mass values ​​are set.

The large mass expansion of the A4 is only possible in the representation of the A4, with only silent bedarf. Alternatively, the gesamte Verkehrsgeschehen einbinding and long-term MIV dispatch and traffic burdening work, which are not tested.

If you want this to isolate, a well-considered and unconventional large company will leave the city of Vienna, allowing the asfinag agenda in the city area to increase its own mobility and offer an integrated alternative iv-Konzepte einzufordern.

If you have chosen the previous integrated alternative strategies, the general simplification of the city of Vienna is one of the only ways in which the general railway company can replace the A4 stretch cuts Swiss knots and knots.

If you wish to purchase A4 General Insurance, you will need to purchase additional MIV Reductions, with additional transportation costs, and permits for free air tickets for PendlerI: innen, Förderung von Fahrgemeinschaften, anyway Info über Rundfunk, Fernsehen or Printmediaen, damit sich A4 Autobahnbenutzer: innen op de Baustellensituation einstellen, ggf. Fahrten could be avoided.

In particular, we are concerned with the views of the waiting areas (at the end of the day) Traveling to the East, the threat of traffic congestion on the line 72 after Schwechat – a significant impact on traffic along the A4. It is the Wiener Autofahrer: there is no question of an excess by the bartenders of the Bundesländer, the last of the einpendelnden Verkehrsströme with zunehmenden Staus in the gesamten Stadtgebiet of tragedy.

Focus on bicycle traffic:

If the A4 Restructuring uses the diversion for cycle traffic, there is integrated planning of a fast cycle infrastructure that gives priority to the Danube and the Schwechat-Wien.

For the protection of cyclists: it is worthwhile to operate the sanitary appliance in the gas workshop with a temporary time schedule.

For the journey and cycle journey through a ramp from the Lucie-Goldner-Promenade to Anfang 2025, you will have to make extensive improvements to the Ostbahnsteg.
Wirtschaftliche Verhältnismäßigkeit bei Großbauprojekten wahren – Vergeudung von (halb)öffentlichen Geldern vermeiden

The well-integrated traffic plan results in an enormous improvement in traffic in Gelder, bzw. ASFING-Geldern, het Wirtschaftlichkeit ebenfalls im öffentlichen Interest ist.

Continue with the Stadt Wien,

Please take into account the costs incurred by the city of Wien for the A4 sanitation. Dazu zählen Förderungen von Ersatzmaßnahmen, Kosten door langfristige Verschlechterung der Lebensqualität und gesundheitliche Schäden door weitere Reduktion von Grünräumen, ua.

of the ASFINAG an attack that entails costs, while the inducement is continued and the possible acquisition of the costs is carried out.

best possible results, which ensures that the overall economics of the business is as good as possible.

In the traffic-political Zusammenspiel of the Bund, NÖ, Asfinag and Trägern des öffentlichen Verkehrs, a cost saving and traffic management plan is required.

Gleichbehandlung von Mobilitätsteilnehmer:innen

With the construction and maintenance of shipping traffic, main lines (Stammstrecke, U4, S80, etc.) were completely closed off for long periods of time, which can also be used to transport more persons, such as the A4.

Aktuell mutet man taglich 100-tausenden Verkehrsteilnehmer:innen (Pendler:innen und Wiener:innen) due to these Sperren teils erhebliche Weg- en Zeitverlängerungen, zowie een deutliche Verschlechterung des Mobilitätskomforts zu.

The vision for the general mobility provision is that the city of Vienna will expand millions of motorways with the mobility comfort for car drivers and cyclists.

We strongly recommend to carry out a treatment for all mobility aids. Renovations and reconstruction of infrastructure are necessary. There are only a few temporary changes, which last longer or take longer in alternative ways in the construction phase, they are all traffic steepeners: there are no problems.

Transparent traffic planning

If the Stadt Wien goes ahead, there will be no Kapazitätserweiterungen during the hint on the A4, but it will not be the case that the Lobau Autobahn will be in service!

Follow the initiative to carry out the Forderungen

Austria Guides for the Future
Tree protection Hernals
Tree shelter Vienna
Extinction Rebellion
Fridays for the Future
Health for the future
Hirschstetten Retten
Lobau remains
Lobau forum
Parents for the future
Psychologists for the future
Wheels for the future
Rettet die Lobau – Natur statt Beton
Scientists 4 Future
Scientists rebellion
System change, not climate change
Teachers for the future
Wienerwald Environmental Initiative

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /