
Castro’s special role: “I am a new player and my hand is my own

Castro’s special role: “I am a new player and my hand is my own

With Berkay Yilmaz, 1. FC Nürnberg has the next Teenager required. Jens Castrop has put his young men’s colleagues on the pitch and played with his heart. This is the Mittelfeldspieler function that now lasts two years.

Geht met nur 21 schon mit gutem Beispiel voran: Jens Castrop.

Geht met nur 21 schon mit gutem Beispiel voran: Jens Castrop.
IMAGO/Beautiful Sports

The Nuremberg leadership is packed with talent. Mit Spielern with Rafael Lubach (19),
Dustin Forkel (19) or Stefanos Tzimas (18) will be in charge of the Club that day
weiteren Verjüngungskur unterzogen. Jens Castrop gilded with a period of 21 years
als gestandener Profi en geht met dem 1. FCN mittlerweile in seine dritte Saison as
Stammplayer. Seine Einstellung und sein Werdegang kan de Neuzugängen als
Serve as a prefiguration.

Unter Hecking, Fiel und Klose gesetzt

It is a success that you will enjoy your visit to the club for years to come during your Auswärtsspiel in Karlsruhe. In the next season 2022/2023, the Cologne will first be under Robert Klauß, then under Markus Weinzierl and father Dieter Hecking on a Platz in the starting formation. Castrop gives up part of the Rasen-keinen Ball lost, says his hundertprozentige Einsatzbereitschaft. An attribution of Heckings Nachfolger Christian Fiel and the young Antreiber-schätzte. It’s all a property that Castrop is still hanging. Zehn gelbe Karten holte sich der Mittelfeldspieler in der Vergangen Saison ab. Folglich fehlte is bi partien sperrt. Three other Castrop pieces – one of the things that is Gelb-Rot, a beautiful Rot.

And this season, the German U21 National Competition will be on the map again. In three League games, Castro was confused three times. A certain youthful unrestümtheit hat the common Düsseldorfer in seinem celebrated Profijahr weiterhin nicht abgelegt. Castrop dennoch is set under the new Nürnberg coach Miroslav Klose. Under the will, the Saison will have more Verantwortung übernehmen – auch im Hinblick auf seine junior Mannschaftskollegen. “I would appreciate the new player in the hand,” Castrop explains.

Castrop sees 1. FC Nürnberg on a good path

24.5 years since Nürnberg’s first game in Dieser Saison doorschnittlich. Zusammen with the 1. FC Köln and Hertha BSC introduce the Club to the young Mannschaft der Liga. Also not surprising, if it was Nürnberger Spiel nor a Konstanz-mangelt. New Coach, new Trainer Team, Neuzugänge – der Club steckt because in the Finding phase. Ein Prozess, “Their self-care is as long as it lasts,” says Castrop. However, the 1. FCN started in an orderly manner, completing the first four matches during the Siege. Hinzu comes to Remis at SV Darmstadt. “Wir kommen immer besser rein”, says Castrop. With the Saisonstart is the middle-field performance.

Yilmaz can express himself in an unterstützung-verlassen

The marching route of the club is clear: young players play and play a professional football game with a chance. At 19 years old, Berkay Yilmaz has the 1st FCN service of the four teenagers in these seasons obligated. The Turkish U19-Nationalspieler comes together with Einjahres-Leihe vom SC Freiburg. The Nuremberger has received the option on another Leihjahr offer – one of the following Kaufklausel offers.

Yilmaz should press Danilo Soares on the left-wing foreign-defense position. His second-league debut can be prepared on Saturday against Magdeburg. It will take a while before the moment that Yilmaz occurs is likely to be reached. At the moment when you use a few years old Collegians Castrop, it is so that singers can earn more money.