
Kaulitz-Brüder von Thomas Gottschalks Sticheleien genervt: “Ist einfach eine Miesmuschel”

Kaulitz-Brüder von Thomas Gottschalks Sticheleien genervt: “Ist einfach eine Miesmuschel”

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In his podcast, Tom and Bill Kaulitz respond to the comments on TV legend Thomas Gottschalk, whom he has seen in his Ruhm style.

Los Angeles – Die Fehde geht weiter: Nachdem der ehemalige „Wetten, dass..?”-Moderator Thomas Gottschalk (74) will talk about the Kaulitz- Brüder herzog, schießen Bill (35) and Tom Kaulitz (35) from Tokyo Hotel nun zurück.

Thomas Gottschalk has heard Bill Kaulitz’s criticism: “More popular than Jimi Hendrix”

The fresh heir Thomas Gottschalk, who has given his commentary, finds the popularity of the Kaulitz-Zwillinge a wonder. The TV legend describes himself that the young generation can no longer know music legends with Jimi Hendrix (†27). “When Bill Kaulitz became popular as Jimi Hendrix, he was bitter about a Tatsache”, according to Gottschalk.

The reaction of Kaulitz-Brüder does not take long. In his own podcast “Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood” Gottschalks gets commentary on. Humor and with a price Irony is like wehr. Bill Kaulitz is one of Gottschalks’ most popular themes: ‘Here is a picture of a promi, the name is no longer possible. The Bildunterschrift likes it: ‚… ärgert sich über die Popularität der Kaulitz-Brüder’.

„Ist enjoy a Miesmuschel“: Kaulitz-Brüder kontern Gottschalk-Sticheleien

Bill Kaulitz said: “I was so impressed! The war is so ugly that I’m laughing my ass off.’ Signal Bruder Tom concretes, that Thomas Gottschalk himself general over everything and jeden ärgere and scherzt: „There is a single Miesmuschel.“ Tokyo-Hotel-Frontmann Bill fügt hinzu: „ There is great popularity among the Kaulitz-Brüder. Der poor!”

Thomas Gottschalk (l.) stichelte jijetzt against the Kaulitz-Zwillinge Bill and Tom (r.).
Thomas Gottschalk (l.) stichelte jijetzt against the Kaulitz-Zwillinge Bill and Tom (r.). © IMAGO/Revierfoto/IMAGO/Future Image

Man thinks he’s on Thomas Gottschalk’s butt, while making “Wer is een miljoen?” by his long friend and TV colleague Günther Jauch (68). (sk) Resources used: “Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood” (Podcast by Bill and Tom Kaulitz, continued from September 3, 2024), “Die Supernasen – with Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger” (Podcast from August 27, 2024)