
Berliner Zoo is happy with Panda Babies!

Berliner Zoo is happy with Panda Babies!

Berlin – A good week after the born der süßen Panda-Zwillinge in Berliner Zoo haben Experten nun ihr Geschlecht herausgefunden. But Platz for the Little Ones is not located at Dauer in the Berlin Zoo.

Both Panda-Zwillinge from the Berlin Zoo have died since Weibchen.

Both Panda-Zwillinge from the Berlin Zoo have died since Weibchen. © -/Zoo Berlin/dpa

The Panda Team has achieved the highest frequency of the following experience: There is a second chance for success.

“They are both young and enthusiastic,” said Animal Park and Zoo Director Dr. Andreas Knieriem.

It all starts with the characteristic of the big pandas, a white design and Ohren, Augen and my debts.

These women see them in such a blank space: That's great!
Zoo News
These women see them in such a blank space: That’s great!

Why Pandas are black and white in color, it is not bright, informed biologist and panda curator Dr. Florian Sicks.

The two babies may have come out of the closet, a zoo is so much fun.

The two babies may have come out of the closet, a zoo is so much fun. © -/Zoo Berlin/dpa

Pandacurator sick erklärt, was in the Wissenschaft vermutet wird: “Die sich nun entwickelende black-white farbung tarnt those Großen Pandas in Schnee as well as Treasurespiel of the Bambusdickichts. Dies schützt si vor potenzieellen wie Goldkatze, Buntmarder or Schneeleopard, the Jungtiere des Großen Pandas erbeutnen could .”

But humanity is the living space of the Pandas and is such a great enemy, Sicks notes.

The ties are lonely and the loss of the Schutz-mopper in the other line until two years after my birth. From this ground also became the two Panda-Weibchen who were born in the year 2019 from Brüder Pit and Paule who wanted their own way, in the zoo.

Zugeschnappt! Frau clatters over Zoo-Zaun and stretches Hand nach Tiger aus
Zoo News
Zugeschnappt! Frau clatters over Zoo-Zaun and stretches Hand nach Tiger aus

The Panda Garden at Berlin Zoo has a hat on the market for two giant pandas. When they come out of the closet, the pregnancy with Mama Meng Meng (11) gets bigger and she gets a bigger kiss.

Sobesucher müssen ich nor etwas in Geduld üben üben, om de Panda-Zwillinge zu Gesicht. Only when the children grew older and more mobile were they placed in the open air.