
“Dürfen Ukraine ihrem Schicksal nicht überlassen”

“Dürfen Ukraine ihrem Schicksal nicht überlassen”

“If the rules of international rights are outlined, there will be a worsening of criticism and chaos. That was not the man, is the Ukraine in the fight against the überlassen. Italy would leave the Ukraine again. That is the separation. , the Italian affected and that is no different”, Meloni concreted.

“With Selenskyj is ready to discuss, who can eat one of the dishes that can be baked. We will not tap in the Fallen Russlands. The invasion of Ukraine would have arisen with the idea that blitzkriegs have arisen. Today, two years apart, know that Russia has no irrevocable victory, we are experiencing a stalemate,” said the Chief of Government. The Italian factory in 2025 has organized a “Ukraine Recovery Conference”, while the Ukrainian factory was demonstrated. “We are also participating in this conference with the support of the EU,” said Meloni.

Selensky has a free speech, while Ukraine has used the whole enterprise in his work, one of the most sharp positions for a good deal with Russia in his country. There is a Western country that Ukraine enters during the long war in Russia in Russia. There is Europe zu Geschlossenheit auf.

Entsprechende Forderungen hatte Selenskyj auch am Freitag beim Treffen der Ukraine-Kontaktgruppe auf dem US-Stützpunkt in Ramstein in Deutschland geäußert. “That is the strongest, that Europe is still alive. Russia is still in danger of collapse, Europe will be divided. A wholehearted Europe will become a more attractive and attractive signal, not only for the Nachbarländer, but also for Africa, Asia and the entire world,” it is stated. Selenskyj.