
Shell Action is coming after: Shell will buy the Sinco-Pipeline and Colex-Terminal and Edgewater ab

Shell Action is coming after: Shell will buy the Sinco-Pipeline and Colex-Terminal and Edgewater ab

Shell developed the Sinco Pipelinesystems production and the Colex Terminals in Texas and Edgewater Midstream.

The sale of both assets by Shell-Units Shell Pipeline Co. and Triton West will eliminate their debts in four years, part of the oil in the Thursday with. The beds for the sale can no longer be generated.

“Sales follow the acquisition of the Shell Capital Markets Day, our portfolio is improving again, but we will expect more issuance,” said Andrew Smith, Executive Vice President of Trading & Supply. The assets are no longer in the strategy of the internal economies disappeared, and your sale became one of the alternative projects, like other project projects that reached their goal.

The Sinco Pipeline System and the Colex Terminal are located in the Houston Ship Channel area and operate in conjunction with the Deer Park Refinery, which was previously sold by Shell and Mexican Petroleos in 2022.

Houston based Edgewater specializes in the business, undertaking and involvement of Pipelines and Terminals, for all coastal regions in the largest oil trading centers.

The Shell action listed in London costs 1.11 Prozent against 26.81 Pfund.


NEW YORK (Dow Jones)

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