
Grausame Tat: Olympionikin Cheptegei schwer verletzt

Grausame Tat: Olympionikin Cheptegei schwer verletzt

The Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei (33) from Uganda is in a hospital, feeling happy with her life with a lot of fuel and peace of mind. The best is another message from a police report.

“I am very serious, with respect for each other and their relationships,” said a worker at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Nairobi/Kenya, where the head chef lies at the intensive station, to AFP’s nachrichtenagent.

Der Leichtathletikverband Ugandas drückte seine bestürzung über de Vorfall aus and erklärte, Cheptegei habe “schwere Verletzungen” erlitten: “Dies follow auf einen Vorfall, bei dem ihr kenyanischer Freund sie with Benzin übergossen and angezündet hat”, written by the Verband auf X.

The police report confirmed this painting on the Montagabend. If you grow up in your home in Endebess/Kenya, it is wonderful to live with your children in the church. Beim Angriff is self-conscious of the Flammen verletzt worden. When it comes to the children’s marathon, the report lies. Neighbours rescued the two injured and carried them to a hospital, from the out of Cheptegei in the MTRH verzet was.

Cheptegei war during the Summer Olympics in Paris on the marathon begins and hates the 44. Platz belegt.