
Von der Leyen recommends more Kriegshilfe for Ukraine: “Friede…

Von der Leyen recommends more Kriegshilfe for Ukraine: “Friede…

Globsec Forum. The chairman of the EU Commissions has announced a “reconciliation”, which will continue a further support for Ukraine and strengthen European peace in NATO.

Prag. For Ursula von der Leyen the Auftritt Ehrensache is. The President of the EU Commission has informed the Globsec Forum. For the first time since 2005 the security police conference has not been held in Bratislava, but in Prague. By the populist and Moscow-like prime minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico has empowered the pro-Western organization in his Wahlkampf with his Zielscheibe polemical anxieties. And so the Globsec has been sucked in, with the entire forum that is located in the neighboring country. 1500 Teilnehmer aus more as 70 Ländern versammeln übers übers in der Hitze Prags in climatisierten Hotel Hilton, an über Securitypolitik to reason, for all über the Krieg in the Ukraine.

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