
Warum gutes Marketing unseen ist

Warum gutes Marketing unseen ist

The vision of overtourism is one of the consequences of tourism for tourism. Sustainable tourism is supported by good marketing.

With or without marketing – certain Swiss Destinations that function as: photographing tourists from South Korea at the Eiger North Face on the Kleinen Scheidegg.

With or without marketing – certain Swiss Destinations that function as: photographing tourists from South Korea at the Eiger North Face on the Kleinen Scheidegg.

Peter Klaunzer / Keystone

Tourism, this war is a positive development throughout history: Gerade with Schweizer and the Weltmeister in Verreisen. The power over the debate is generally negative in this industry – the “overtourism” phenomenon – even if you are curious, it is all the same. Experts and experts can share their views.

Neben dem Tagestourismus is the best choice for the entire house of the Vermietungsgeschäfts with Ferienwohnungen under Beschuss. In grim frequencies these phenomena are so extensive that analogous apartments in hotels are now displayed for a night. The highest level of the holiday home is that it is an ideal idealistic idea for Airbnb – a set of guests who want to rent their own home – by the commercial development in a completely composed company. Diese Auswüchse will nobody; it is a matter of time and exploration of the property for a huge size.

It will be nicer to see, notice that in Switzerland only single so-called hotspots of big guests are hit, even if the local structures are punctual – not ganzjährig – überlasten. If the tourist manager of a tourist region has a strong frequency, he sees the strengthening of all the Ebenen – mountain railways, inns, local belongings – and bin überzeugt davon, that is the phenomenon with the big mass and a longer planning.

Since there is no unrest, the masses are only concerned with overtourism, which is a means for the market of Swiss tourism. Oberflächlich tries to make the best of the sogar. Weshalb noch Werbung für das Reiseland Schweiz machen, when the tourists will expect the forecast in the next years in Scharen? The irony of the story: There are many tourist hotspots that no longer lead, but where you can also make a profit, when the national or cantonal market sales become a würde. When the tourist regions concern themselves with their strong local companies, and the mountain railways, their own market development structures, or their participatory activities. If you want to sell your market even more, you can do this by reaching other Swiss destinations.

Was it perhaps worth looking into the market, when we could see how the crowds of tourists are adjusting to a nachhaltig tourism? Was the power a nachhaltigen Touristen out? Is it even possible? It is of course a grateful construction, as one of the best, the Merkmannetjes are guests who can enjoy the best. Once it is like this: if you have more away, it takes longer a verweilen. There is only no question of an oberflächlich, but a merit of the regional cultural peculiarities and interesting products.

If you work with our marketing activities on the market, the European guests will lie in the higher regions of the world, because they will have a possible ganzjährige business in our region. This Ziele can be answered by the Marketingmittel price. If it is attractive to find a more attractive destination, you can take the next step to more Swiss destinations ab. Now that it is so far, the national and cantonal market structures continue, the responsibility of the destination is brought a little and that suit can also help. A description or an abolition of this gefässe was counterproductive, so that the region could suffer damage and gain a dimension, which would run mass tourism one of the Swiss Hotspots.

Speaking wires are ruhig aus: Wirleben wohl gerade de tunde null, de Sternstunde een modern intellectual Tourismus, der unsere Vermarktung nötiger hat denn je. Woolen will increase the seriousness of their work with nachhaltigem Tourismus, and then they will acquire new instruments, architectural structures and know-how, which will be a gemeinsame for the Schweizer destinations – in jedem Fall aber: überkantonale Angebote – möglich machen.

If you are in Switzerland, you may have problems if you thank a lot of tourists to your machines. If we continue to all international Flächenbranden – and zum Erstaunen zal – tourists from all over the world will be like that and experience the wilkommen culture and stability of the Schweiz-zählen.

Marc Ungerer

Marc Ungerer, 56, is on the Herbst 2017 Geschäftsführer of the Tourismusdestination Jungfrauregion and his more years on the President of the Vereins Berner Destinationen. Because war in the cultural management takes place, other people are a long time busy with marketing for the Hamburger Staatstheater and the Elbphilharmonie. There is a University of Zurich Geschichte and Volkswirtschaft and a Wien international Beziehungen-studie.


Marc Ungerer, 56, is on the Herbst 2017 Geschäftsführer of the Tourismusdestination Jungfrauregion and his more years on the President of the Vereins Berner Destinationen. Because war in the cultural management takes place, other people are a long time busy with marketing for the Hamburger Staatstheater and the Elbphilharmonie. There is a University of Zurich Geschichte and Volkswirtschaft and a Wien international Beziehungen-studie.

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