
Klaut Ideas, Anwälte räumen auf

Klaut Ideas, Anwälte räumen auf

Google’s chief executive officer Eric Schmidt has given Stanford students a tip for starting a startup: a few more claws—and it’s a bigger failure than the annual regular welding.

Eric Schmidt, former Google chief.

Eric Schmidt, former Google chief.

Illustration Simon Tanner / NZZ

In the Silicon Valley tech firm, Einzeiler would say: “Move fast and break things” (ze schnell en mach dinge kaputt) is a davon. “Done is better than perfect” (gemacht ist besser als perfect) is another. The following inner wisdom may originate from Eric Schmidt: First rauben, de Rest is leeg de Anwälte.

Past Week Sass Schmidt, former CEO of Google, in a schmuckless study by the elite university Stanford. Dort sprach is with students, or “future Silicon Valley companies”, who Schmidt is. The conversation starts as a smart intelligence, when the 69-year-old Schmidt has appeared on the credible social media app Tiktok.

In the US, a message might appear one day, Tiktok would work. When it does, the AI ​​chatbot studies will focus on Tiktok to copy. “Call all the good stuff, clap all the music,” says Schmidt. “It’s a lot of fun and in one of the hours, if it doesn’t go viral, other people can collect it after. Boom, boom, boom, boom.” If the whole thing breaks, it’s the same, because no one gets the stolen content in their face. If the result is to happen, the man who has “a whole bunch of requests to get rid of, the sauce will come out,” says Schmidt. A quick confession of guilt is, however: “But don’t sit down with me.”

Or is it a movie that is wurde? If the moderator says that he is now: “Yes, that’s true. Now it’s like it’s once in the power of Silicon Valley.”

Eric Schmidt has to erase it. There was a war between 2001 and 2011, the CEO of Google, and in 2019 it was not Google’s Mutterunternehmen Alphabet. In this Zeit wuchs Youtube, the alphabet is displayed, are world-wide video platform – with videos, and it is not possible to have the right. Before we started with a US department, we focused on a state secretariat and Google on an «illegal monopoly».

In Silicon Valley, Schmidt is approached by the Ganz Grossen: In the sailing ship Rede in Stanford there is an evening with Elon Musk. There was a fascination, Musk “was taken out of the people, who work for him”. Sam Altman, the founder of the AI ​​pioneers Open AI, calls Schmidt a “gen freund”. Look with a Grund, where you can use Chat-GPT for training, so that Pac-Man is freshest on the Internet: private websites, journalistic companies, and a whole library that uses his speech model, what you can do too. It is worth making collections with Google, Facebook or Open AI, there is what Schmidt says: If the penalties are bigger, the money is worth a long time.

The University of Stanford has released the video of Schmidt’s Interview with Mittlerweile – there are no more roads over the Klauen of Tiktok. Other ways of working Schmidts über seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber.

So if you are on Google, if you have found a Spitzen position in the company with AI, your Startup-Mentalität is lost. Google – one of the most popular in the world with more than 180,000 users – has found, “the work-life balance, the home and the employees of the home are bigger than the family,” so Schmidt. «If you are in the right place, you can see it right away, but it is clear that you are a man at university and you are a business community, you can die from work and work and you are now a Tag in the office, you are a man with other Startups mihalten.»

Schmidt is guilty of a message in an email and the «Wall Street Journal», is «in Google and its Arbeitsvorgaben et was false messages» and Stanford has used the video of the interviews.

Heutzutage ergährt man immer seltener, was Chefs wie Eric Schmidt wirklich think. In der Regel, the Aussagen von Heerscharen von PR-Profis were written for so long that they are absolutely not concerned and have no information provision whatsoever. In general, Schmidt now follows his own principle: Sollte Google in his ways Verleumdung verklagen, cann sich Schmidt with his money on 24 Billion Dollars geschätzten Power sicher a Haufen Anwälte leisten.

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