
Freddy Tiffels: “Startdrittel war nicht unser bestes” – Eisbären besieges Kärpät Oulu with 4:2

Freddy Tiffels: “Startdrittel war nicht unser bestes” – Eisbären besieges Kärpät Oulu with 4:2

Frederik Tiffels – © Mathias Renner / City-Press

Berlin. (PM Eisbären) The Eisbären Berlin are still undefeated in preparation for the new 2024/25 season.

I am one of the former players in the Czech Budweis who brings the Berliner am Freitagabend to the Finnish Top-Club Kärpät Oulu. The Eisbaren become this party with 4:2.

I have seen the first results that Finns have in their quality and where the Berliners are zunächst überlegen. So war es Reid Gardiner (6.), der Kärpät with 1:0 in Führung brought. The laurel of the Drittels has arisen ​​​​if the Eisbären have even more chance, this can not be more useful. Arttu Alasiurua (13.)lege dann für Oulu nach. Kurz could the Berliner in his first hit verbuchen. Blaine Byron (15.) provided the Anschlusstreffer at Vorlage von Eric Hördler. I zweiten Drittel went with her. The teams of the teams can prepare for the party. First time the end of the Mittellabschnittes wandered Manuel Wiederer (39./4-4) a Vorlage of Frederik Tiffels and the game that came out of his head. I am in war with Tiffels (53./SH1) himself, the Puck in Unterzahl after a Fehler of the Gegners brought over the Torlinie. Short before the end of the game, the Carpathians of the Torhüter and Gabriel Fontaine (60./SH1, EN) for the 4:2 final score.

The holidays started on Saturday, August 31st. At 17:00 the Berliner meets the host HC Motor Budejovice.

Serge Aubin (Trainer Eisbären Berlin): “I am a Spielabschnitt war Oulu die bessere Mannschaft. Men’s hat is marked, the karpät contains a game in the pre-finished absolute hat. With the Anschlusstreffer kamen wir aber zurück ins Spiel. The middle and back row will become more and more intensive and will undergo the party supernoms. Unser Unterzahlspiel war gut, wir haben jedoch zu veee unnötige Strafen taken. Jake Hildebrand has created a schlüsselparade for the right time. We have fought the team and found a way, the game has been won.”

Frederik Tiffels (Stürmer Eisbären Berlin): “Men’s hat is made, this Oulu has an absolutely absolute test hat. Das Startdrittel was not our best. Serge Aubin spoke about that during the break. Then there was a wet level of deutlich higher. We are quicker after playing and have a good job. It’s not even a word you can tell about the emerging party. We love our siege.”

Final result
Eisbären Berlin – Kärpät Oulu 4:2 (1:2, 1:0, 2:0)
Ice Bears Berlin:
Hildebrand (Stettmer) – Müller, Wissmann (C); Galipeau, Reinke; Geibel, Mik; Kaiser, Nowak – Noebels (A), Boychuk (A), Pföderl; Hördler, Byron, Ronning; Tiffels, Fontaine, Bergmann; Schäfer, Wiederer, Veilleux – Trainer: Serge Aubin
Carp Oulu: Karhunen (Paaso) – Ohtamaa, Paaso; Kivisto, Jandus; Juusola, Berglund; Olkkonen, Alasiurua – Turunen, Virta, Antti-Roiko; Gardiner, Kovarcik, Tardif; Nikupeteri, Melnick, Rüschoff; Korpimäki, Yliniemi, Anttila – Trainer: Ville Mäntymaa

0:1 – 05:15 Gardiner (Berglund, Virta) – EQ
0:2 – 12:59 – Alasiurua (Turunen) – EQ
1:2 – 14:50 – Byron (Hördler) – EQ
2:2 – 38:28 Wiederer – (Tiffels) – 4-4
3:2 – 52:26 – Tiffels – SH1
4:2 – 59:05 – Fontaine – SH1, EN
Punish Eisbären Berlin: 16 (4, 4, 8) Minutes – Kärpät Oulu: 10 (4, 4, 2) Minutes
Separator Daniel Pražák, Marek Trnka (Michal Zíka, Milan Jindra)
Sister 520