
Spielzeit 2024/2025Saisonstart: Septemberfest der Bayerischen Staatsoper – Munich

Spielzeit 2024/2025Saisonstart: Septemberfest der Bayerischen Staatsoper – Munich

„Endlich mal frei“, kokettieren gern die Ultras unter den Fans der Bayerische Staatsoper, when I reached the end of the playing time, I am 31. July, the last Vorhang fell and his young Living Room, the Nationaltheater, schließt. Mitunter meets the Munich Opera enthusiasts in Salzburg or Bayreuth. In August, in the Opernhaus, there is no irrendwie here either. Anfang September aber zeich dann deutliche Entzugserscheinungen. Bad Laune, depressed people can become aware of their power, and they become so strong that they end up in the complete ARD-Muziekwettbewerb. When the Darbenden left the Herbstsonne, when the Septemberfest started from September 20 to 22, the new Spielzeit der Staatsoper ended. Life changes rapidly in well-organized railways. Aber auch für jene, the first contact with the beautiful Droge Oper, is the small festival of the perfect Einstieg.

Flight to Oberammergau

Oper für all an ungewohntem Ort: Im Passionstheater Oberammergau sings Piotr Beczała and Aigul Akhmetshina on September 20. (Photo: Sebastian Schulte)

Opera for everyone with “Tosca” and Jonas Kaufmann on July 28th was still beautiful in Ohr and before August. A loss of costs in carrying out the work is now on the 2024/2025 season update. There is no question of a visit to the Max-Joseph-Platz, if there are smooth paths through the vegetation. A riddle that no one had thought of, the old Isarkiesel, on which the fans at the Opera-Open-Air over the years the Popos would have sat, for the fun of Euro die Pieces good purpose to sell?

The Umbau des Platzes is no more than the Grund, weshalb das kostenlose Konzert-Spektakel am Freitag, 20. September, 19 Uhr, ausgerechnet im Passionstheater von Oberammergau stigt. With Serge Dorny’s Amtsantritt as Intendant, he was the first “Oper for all goes Bayern” in the Herbst 2021, schließlich finances everything with a Steuernummer in the Freistaat of the Münchner Operanhaus. Dann sollen sie auch, main sponsor of BMW Classics and Unicredit, fern der Landeshauptstadt and was davon haben. Who Rosenheimer 2022 or the Middle Franconia das Jahr zuvor in Ansbach. Damals must Jonas Kaufmann krankheitsbedingt passengers, Kollege Piotr Beczała übernahm. The Polish starter sings now in Oberammergau together with the young years, on the Bühnen der Welt, where mezzo-sopranist Aigul Akhmetshina is feted. Ivan Repušić conducts the Bavarian State Orchestra. There is a fee for searching for a ticket on the state order website. Work is carried out after a house has been sold.

He started his international career with this role: Mezzo-sopranist Aigul Akhmetshina as Carmen at the Bavarian State Opera in 2023. The stages in London and New York are also erobert with their part. (Photo: Wilfried Hösl)

For the two Opernfesttage daheim in Munich, Samstag and Sonntag, September 21 and 22, one could find the Vorsatz-fassen, sich treiben z zwischen Nationaltheater, Cuvilliés-Theater, the Ballett-Probenhaus am Platzl – and the Fünf Höfen. The Einkaufspassage in Theatinerstraße is one of the most popular programs in Theatinerstraße. The passengers become a carefree operator and a woman will spontaneously end up in her shopping trip.

Spectacle in the Einkaufspassage

Die Fünf Höfe an der Theatinerstraße is a Samstag on the Schauplatz von Musik und Tanz. (Photo: Wilfried Hösl)

Etwa auf der Plaza, wed sich Perusahof, Salvator- und Prannerpassage cross: There will be a visit to the opera studios of the Staatsoper with a stop-and-go (1.15 pm). „Figaro Figaro Figaroooo!“ – kennt jeder, originates from „Il barbiere di Siviglia“ by Rossini. The popular opera can not perform much more than baritone Sean Michael Plumb in a pop-up concert that is demonstrated (2.15 pm). A great contribution has been made to the study of Michael Nagy, who will be in György Ligetis in the Nationaltheater in October “Le Grand Macabre” is a shrill extreme work, which the woman does not find as super good as a real opera. The most optically gar not so weitfernt von Ligetis surrealist Sauce flatters “Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strauss. No joint delicacies, the best in the Staatsopern-Inszenierung of Operetta-Großmeister Barrie Kosky. As soon as you get a man in the fun-höfen, a few appetizers are served (3 p.m.). Outside it is said on the Plaza “Erkennen Sie die Melodie?” (4 p.m.). If we see a Week in the world, it is likely that the last Ratespiele from her Primetime in Fernsehen comes.

Opera and fashion

The Kunsthalle Munich presents itself during the active retrospective of the new Dutch design duos Viktor & Rolf, who combine the cost for the opera and the ballet. (Photo: Robert Haas)

We have all the music of the Sinn after optical travel: The Kunsthalle Munich will be present at the Septemberfest Führungen (Samstag, 1:45 PM, 3:45 PM and 5:45 PM). Take a look at the major retrospective of the designer duo Viktor & Rolf and come to the man of the Oper nicht. So both Couturiers 2009 will pay the costs for a “Freischütz”-Inszenierung in Baden-Baden, die in der Schau zu sehen since. A million Swarovski stones are used when they are used. Wer nachzählen möchte, fell Glück!

Osiel Gouneo, first soloist of the Bavarian State Ballet, lies in Hugendubel in the Fünf Höfen of his autobiography ‘Black Romeo’. (Photo: Katja Lotter)

The Dutch Fashion Duo has a ballet company and dancers in their Laufsteg geschickt. Our Wissens has never been in Haute Couture gesteckt: Osiel Gouneo, First Soloist at the Bavarian State Ballet. If the disease is affected by the stage, it is not that everything is different as elongated clay. The Afro-banner can no longer be great, a beeindruckende autobiography has appeared. On Saturday, 13 Uhr, lies most with Hugendubel at “Black Romeo” and give an autogram.

Open House at the Nationaltheater

Man can be at the Septemberfest if he sees, Osiel Gouneos Compagnie: beim Training auf der Bühne des Nationaltheaters (Samstag, 10 Uhr) or abends in der mehrteiligen Produktion „Wurzeln und Blätter“ (Sa./So, jeweils 20 Uhr). For training with the Vorstellungen benötigt man Tickets, book on the Staatsopern-Website. Free of charge are the Tanzworkshops voor Kinder zu „Wurzeln und Blätter“ (Sat., 2.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 3.10 PM, 3.50 PM, on Rank 3 and in the Ballettsaal) or the Kurzführungen during the Ballett-Probenhaus am Platzl (Sat., 2.30 PM/ 3.30 PM , 4:30 PM, 5:30 PM, free tickets from 6:90 PM at the Tageskasse or online). There is a viewing with the wonderful Tanzmärchen “Wie der Fisch zum Meer fand” at the entire Prunk im Königssaal during an Unterwasserwelt holiday (Sat., 1.30 p.m., 4 p.m.). If there is no fear, Parkett cannot guarantee anything.

Masquerade at the Theater: Visitors can attend the Septemberfest at the Schau-Make-painting events. (Photo: Wilfried Hösl)

Verwandlung, sie gehört zur Welt der Stage: Masken, Requisites, Kostüme. Ohne the people fell, who in these Abteilungen Schichtdienste and Überstunden schieben, where the Munich Opera House was not, the Soloists buchstäblich blass and nackig. At Septemberfest man diese guten, super professional Geister at Samstag überall in Haus, at Show-Make-painting, at Bartalk, at Photoshooting in the Intendanten-Loge, in an Ausstellung in the Parkettgarderobe, at Führungen.

Just let go and realize this great house, that it will come back so respectfully with all the shining chandeliers, tapestries, the many stairs and doors, with the right people, who stare at one of the portraits. Here, however, one can make a great impression, while the national theater in the toilets cleans the washing line, removes the paper and the damping after canalization. It is possible that the theater urgently needs to be cleaned. Although it has been a long time since he would stay in the 2030s, Intendant Serge Dorny would insult the House next time.

Music, practically on the stage, is part of the combined National Theater. (Photo: Robert Haas)

Das Septemberfest is een Lockmittel, een Einladung en Publikum, auch beim Musikerleben de Orchestergraben zu überwinden and nicht nur Applause zu spent: So dare the guests at Samstag mitsingen in Foyer (12 Uhr) and in large Chorsaal (13 Uhr, 14 Uhr, 3.30 hours) and 4 p.m.). Or sich messenger with others at Poetry-Slam in Restaurant Ludwig II in the basement, Wednesday at the Pausensekt strömt (2 p.m.).

The singer and musician will perform at the Septemberfest in the House, even in the Rheingoldbar, with Arien in “La Bohème” and at Café Momus, including the great artists in the Puccinis Oper (Sat., 5 p.m.). Dort gibt is also a four-handed Klavierspiel (1:30 PM) and Tango (3:15 PM). There could be a whole Opera during the Septemberfest, in the Rococo Splendor of the Cuvilliés Theaters, where the Occasions are all provided. The Vorstellungen of Carl Orff’s “Der Mond” am Samstag and Sonntag are sold out.

“Tosca” comes under the Hammer

Heiteres Repertoire-Raten: Aus welcher Oper stamen diese Kostüme, die beim Septemberfest 2023 wiss auf Interested? (Photo: Robert Haas)

Clean for quick money a handmade cost or braces accessory from the company fundus ergattert and damit im fasching the big drive gehabt? The other “Arbeitskleidung” of the Theatervolk is a whole day (12.30–18.00 hrs) in the Capricciosaal of the National Theaters at cost price. It is a bit more with large quantities of food. Better times appear.

In a more elegant Empire Robe: Anja Harteros’ Kostüme aus der nun ausgemusterten „Tosca“ by Luc Bondy comes under the Hammer with Jonas Kaufmann’s Gewand as Cavaradossi. (Photo: Wilfried Hösl)

Everything is muss raus. Auch de Kostüme, de Jonas Kaufmann und Anja Harteros in Puccini’s “Tosca” get een haben, jijetzt gemeinsam 2016. In Luc Bondy’s Inszenierung, die bekanntlich nicht mit schwerem Pomp geizte, trug Tosca wallende Empire-Roben and Cavaradossi weite Hemden mit Weste, die fell Theaterblut abbekommen haben. Diese Gewänder – Sammler und Fans aufgepasst – kommen nun bei Versteigerung (3.30 PM, Vorraum Königssaal) under the Hammer. If the substance is rejected once. The state opera was no longer in operation, the new Tosca that played in the Siebzigerjahren was fashionably sehen for the singer of the title part a herausforderung ist. If so, he’s the only man who’s going to live at Septemberfest without watching it live.

Septemberfest der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Freitag bis Sonntag, 20. to 22. September, Informationen zum Programm unter