
Tag sieben im Dschungelcamp: Giulia Siegel gegen den Rest der Welt

Tag sieben im Dschungelcamp: Giulia Siegel gegen den Rest der Welt

Tag sieve in the Dschungelkamp
Giulia Siegel is the calm of the world

Giulia Siegel is in Dschungelcamp guessed Staatsfeind No. 1.

Giulia Siegel is in Dschungelcamp guessed Staatsfeind No. 1.

© Photo: RTL

Kader Loth and Giulia Siegel enjoy bonding with a bitter fehde. A resident happily leaves the camp.

Tag sieben bei “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” at RTL+ (am 22. August at 8:15 PM Uhr auch im linear Fernsehen at RTL), was in the Staffel bedeutet: Eskalationsstufe sieben. Those Nerven lie blankly and the blame is with Giulia Siegel, 49, and is financed. Kader Loth, 51, experienced the extreme situation: “Wir kämpfen here is a four, fun Fronten gleichzeitig: Schlaflosigkeit, little Essen and the Kampf untereinander. And that is the Schlimmste.”

The toilet paper gate

Especially between Kader Loth and Giulia Siegel the Fetzen fly. After Loth has used the high toilet paper of the group, it is wise to show Loth, but to have a large toilet paper in your hand. Damit brought Loth in the unangehme situation, you would understand, that you had a used band – was Loth as a large demütigung betrachtet.

If it gives you a glimpse and an unusual feeling, look at all the woolen flowers. When Siegel was guilty and versichert, Loth was in his hand the camp on the page. Sogar Thorsten Legat, 55, said Verstandnis für das Damen-Drama: “I’m ashamed of myself, that’s the moment with Giulia Siegel here and my life lived.”

The next step won’t be long in coming. On Hanka Rackwitz’, 55, Please take more empathy in the group, Elena Miras, 32, reacts with an aggressive Ausbruch: “This is a mess, I can’t do it anymore!” Cooking is one of the best things: the “Unmensch” Giulia and Aggro-Elena are armed with messern and are supposed to cook together. After the last time Miras is used as a kitchen helper in Job, it might be better if others take the Siegel. That’s better. “I feel very unjustified,” says the Aussätzige in the evening on the tunnel telephone. “It’s a mafia, everything that is there is not true.”

Hanka Rackwitz climbs voluntarily

Rackwitz tries to execute a separation and a sale in the next morning with free help. Before I made him clear, he said that everything was in his Mitcamper debt: “Mir would take a first step to let the beef drink here and do a own thing, the mirror on the stomachs hit sind.” For a Siegel hat is a day a long time to take. And the warning: “Giulia, you tust mir so leid, you brauchst jetzt so viel Stärke.”

But everything is bad: Gigi Birofio, 25, Geburtstag hat! Casanova’s self-service no longer resembles sex. “We can’t do it all,” says Sarah Knappik, 37, quickly and clearly. It is a matter of Loth and Legat zur Dschungelprüfung. The game is a classic: if you are blind to a car steering wheel, go through the dumb Thorsten with the hand navigation and the guided Gigi-ze-anweisungen in Sprache übersetzt. Auf dem Weg zum Ziel gilt es, 11 Sterne inzusammeln und Massen von Dreck, Schleim und Brühe auszuhalten, die sich bei der Station uber de Camper ergießen.

The team is shaped, it is effective. If you get the chance to make a break, while incurring costs for a few years, see the carts that make the wortwörtlich of the dreck: Weil der Motor ausfällt, darf is das Auto met seiner Leibeskraft in der last minute über die Zielinieben. Insgesamt considers Sterne hat das Trio ergattert.

Feueraugen and Hörner or Paranoia and Hexenjagd?

But statt Freude und Geburtstagskuchen heckt Legat lieber de Plan zur Beseitigung des “Bösen” in Camp aus. Reactions to the story in the game will be given, where Freund and wer Feind are. We took heed to do everything on a Giulia Siegel. “Man, look straight at the Feueraugen and the Hörner”, lautet signal Fazit. And warn: “Der Hass begins jetzt anyway so allmählich…” In the meantime, if man Siegel would like to have his own protection, that will happen in the near future…
