
Erdrutsch-Katastrofe trifft St. Anton in Tirol – “zum Verzweifeln”

Erdrutsch-Katastrofe trifft St. Anton in Tirol – “zum Verzweifeln”

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Erdrutsche und Überschwemmungen. St. Anton am Arlberg is located in Trümmern. Starke Unwetter has a trail of destruction in the hinterland of Tyrol.

St. Anton – Walls and whirling flutes play through the noble holiday home. Heavy rains fall on the western part of Austria during the night on Saturday (17 August). In Tyrol and Vorarlberg, heavy rain and a heavy storm occur. St. Anton am Arlberg is said to have suffered a heart attack.

New Unwetter in Tyrol: Walls around St. Anton lower – the smartest wetland catastrophe here

A Schlamm avalanche covered the current Arlberg-Bundesstraße, which continued to the Skigemeinde in Niederdingen. The “Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs” had hit an overflute and more walls. The common message in a Mitteilung von Erdrutschen am Steißbach, on the Kandahar and in the Jungbrunntobel.

Now St. Anton stands for the Trümmern, the illegal underlying hat. After 1999 and 2005 it is the last time that the Urlaubsort has done an Erdrutsch and Hochwasser secret investigation. But let the Tyrolean Daytime war isn’t that bad. Die Schlammlawine damaged 35 Häuser der 2000-Einwohner-Meinde.

Erdrutsche verwüsten Tiroler Ferienort St. Anton – Hotelier says: “That’s all there is to it”

“It’s a waste of time,” said a Mann der Zeitung. A Erdrutsch sprinkles the Kellerfenster and the Kellertür in Haus Seines Sohnes and branches the Heizöltank auf.

Besides, the Hotel Kösslerhof was damaged. Here you will find Weinkeller’s Schlammlawine, toilets, personal zimmer, Zwischenwände and the Waschküche. “That’s all there is to it,” said hotel manager Herbert Kössler of the Zeitung. There is a hotel that is safe and comfortable, if the winter continues in winter. Then come and die Ski tourists.

Unwetter in Österreich: St. Anton in Tirol befürchtet weitere Rainfälle – Straßen geperrt

St. Anton rages, but the smell is no greater than ever. “Der Krisenstab bittet unbeiligte Personen Urgent, Abstand z den Baustellen und Aufräumarbeiten zu halten”, says the Gemeinde am Sonntagmorgen (18. August) mit. Because all cases of rainfall can lead to a dangerous situation. The population has arisen, in the following events it is wise to warn against reactors.” At Samstag, the whiter themselves weiter nach Osten and verursachten in Wien ein Rekord-Unwetter.

Sounding flutes during St. Anton and more Muren gehen ab. See it Saturday (August 18) we will continue to write those Aufräumarbeiten by the end of the day.
Sounding flutes during St. Anton and more Muren gehen ab. See it Saturday (August 18) we will continue to write those Aufräumarbeiten by the end of the day. © Landesfeuerwehrverband Tirol/X

Proud of all those mountain railways in Betrieb. All things are easy to understand behind the road, and are always welcome during the past years in Österreich. The Arlbergpassstraße can be actively blocked, and is the Verwalltal. Auch der Arlbergtunnel is another Erdrutsches geschlossen. At the end of the German summer period, a sister problem for St. Anton Dar died. „The massive vehicle traffic within the traffic after messages from the police are behind the scenes of the security forces. It is an appeal, but there is no question of unbridled fahrten zu vermeiden, so die Gemeinde. (tired)