
Liefernetzwerke resilient machines |

Liefernetzwerke resilient machines |

Data analysis. Markus Gerschberger of the Austrian Supply Chain Intelligence Institute said about the Metro Mittwochsgesellschaft des Handels, which makes his favorite analyses and analyses.

The fight against the corona pandemic and the crisis of Ukraine has triumphed, locally and the first legitimate global charity is very vulnerable. “A local support can be used for global development,” as Markus Gerschberger at the Wiener Mittwochsgesellschaft des Handels, zu der Metro zum 8. Mal im Rahmen des Forum Alpbach in an “Edition Alpbach” has loaded this. In the Keynote entitled “Intelligenz für Lieferketten – Drohende Produktions- und Lieferengpässe Rechtzeitig zijn”, there is an overview of the current state of research and well-being of the future of economics.

The Deputy Director of the Austrian Supply Chain Intelligence Institute (ASCII), Professor of Supply Chain Management at the FH Oberösterreich, states that the Frage, ob der Begriff “Lieferkette” is a glücklich gewählt ist. “Eher nein,” said Gerschberger, from the Georgia Institute of Technology and in the leadership position at the Josef Ressel Center LIVE. „Man is a person with a lot of love.“ The business is not linear in the economics as well as the love and knowledge, without the addition of a complex structure with different aspects.

With European glasses

Die often without other grievances. It is a fact that the blockade of the Suez Canals has continued during the ‘Ever Give’ action in the year 2021. Now ‘now’ will be traded by the carrier who is transported here, the way to unpassionate expenditure and costs will save. True unlucky example in the road from Malacca to Singapore passes, where 40 percent of the global goods transports were affected and 80 percent of all Chinese energy imports.

Menschenrechtsverletzungen, und een mensschliche stipingungen bij de Rohstoffgewinnung or Kinderarbeit, Natuurkatastrofen und Auswirkungen des Klimawandelen würden ich ebenso auf de Liefernetzwerke auswirken.

Initiativen, Liefernetzwerke sicherer, veerkrachtiger en robuuster zu gestalten – alleine auf europäischer Ebene etwa der Raw Materials Act, der Chips Act oder die Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflicht-Richtlinie – seien in ihrer “Grundüberlegung sehr, sehr gute Bestrebungen” en würden Unternehmen verpflichten, Menschenrechtsverletzungen en Umweltverstöße ihrer Loveranten zu recognise. Gerschberger thinks about it: Now we have a four-day life in a democratically organized country and we will continue to have a meaningful life together. Seine Frage daher: Wen erreiche ich den Regeln, is Europe never serious and will this be the case?

There are countries, such as Ungarn, Ecuador or Belgium, in the reproduction of financial transactions. “Was it possible to buy more Transparency and Security in Networks, or to invest in mice? The financial transaction data between companies is prepared,” says Gerschberger. If you have no intention, but an unconscious and confidential approach, if you work with the motivation, recognize the knots in the system, recognize the confirmation of the Australian country, so that you can take shape resiliently.

This Grund works on ASCII, the Austrian Supply Chain Intelligence Institute, compiled. “Wir versuchen Lieferketten global z analyses. Stärken, Schwächen, Verbesserungspotenziale zu identifizieren und dann Handlungserfahrungen auf EU-, aff Österreich-Ebene abzuleiten.’ pressure-index-ascpi/) nachzulesen.

If you play a current theme with ASCII, you can assess and critically analyze the offer of charitable guarantees in the background of the following question.

»Lieferket? Man spricht heute über Liefernetzwerke.«

Markus Gerschberger

“A European network model has emerged, in total there are 30 million people, 1.5 million dollars in expenditure available.” A company and a business can combine their human rights or forced labor for children with data banks. One of the recognitions: In Austria it is essentially the same as in other EU member states. If the network is more attracted by the company, it is a fact that a company works in this charity work and it becomes easier to go to the light injuries. „Here you see man, that is the Wahrscheinlichkeit on Stufe 2, here since the Lovers of the Lovers are satisfied, it is worth it 80. If we look at the love, that is the result of the care provided.“ On Stufe 3 and Stufe 4, even when we come to Lieferanten, the orientation is 100 percent.

The problem is that the problem occurs when you start up the network cards. “Our Ansatz would be one of the most important things: if this data is about the financial transactions of the European Central Bank or about positive-negative listening in the jewel countries, these can die This can possibly happen with conflicts is.”

»Was it the case that more transparency and security had to be invested in networks, or that more had to be invested? The financial transaction data between companies was to be prepared.«

Markus Gerschberger

Everything arranged properly?

There was still no talk of a data festival. “A study has been done on an assessment of who the supply of the population with food is.” It depends on 95 percent of the food dealers, which is a Spar, who win, with this project and the data. If it is not so, the regions in Austria will be supplied with which Deckungsgrad and all problems with supply problems will be prevented. Jointly with the Colleges of Complexity Science Hub, the only Food Supply Shock Explorer ( has been found. If this is here, it was a passion and we were affected, when the Ukraine, for example, no longer produced and exported sunflower oil or keinen weizen.

Since it is a critical monitor that is able to view the Krisenzeiten, it is a fact that the versorgungssicherheit is safe and eloquent.