
Restaurant “Tresor” in Isernhagen near Hannover serves Fusion Sushi

Restaurant “Tresor” in Isernhagen near Hannover serves Fusion Sushi

Isernhagen. “New-Style-Sushi” is on the menu. Whether it’s goose stew, sweet potato chips or flambé beef tartare in the rolls. My name is ‘Tresor’ and I have found a solution: ‘No fusion without a bank. No bank without a bank.’ So explain Lina Furman (38) and Inna Rogover (41) as guests of the Crossover Kingdom, which connects Europe and Asia. A black in a former bank in Isernhagen-Süd.

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“2012 has created the perfect restaurant for a visualization,” says Furman. It is wise to find a suitable place in the city with Rogover. If it is a Tages an der Prüßentrift 61 in Isernhagen-Süd, and the former Sparkasse hung a “Zu vermieten” shield. “It is a soft feeling. Our vision was, a building with history to have. If the other Tresorraum front ends are used, the war is the perfect match.” An architect has power over the Umbau. “Damals war es nog eine Bruchbude.”

“Va Bene” and “Soshe” come dazu

The Baustelle is also not there with Claudio Cairo (39), as a restaurant manager and an e-integrated business partner initiated. One of the first contacts in his possession has been opened. “I still know very well who both have analyzed me in the hiring conversation. But we have trusted us fort.” The war was hard, so Furman and Rogover could not fall sooner.

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“Japanese food is delicious, we will enjoy frittered Duck-Rolls with Rotkohl and Ente abieten in Winter.”

Lina Furmann

about the “New Style Sushi” in Restaurant “Tresor”

Das Duo übernahm nor the restaurants “Va Bene” in Zooviertel at DTV Hannover and “Soshe” in Braunschweig, gründete mit Event Code a Catering Company, with its Geburtstage, Hochzeiten or Messeevents ausrichten. Cairo is an unentbehrlich team. “Außerdem bought everything fantastically. “From ihm comes ever more grandiose input,” says Furman.

The first tag: Lina Furman (left) and Inna Rogover at the Opening of the Restaurant "Treasure" in July 2015.

The first tag: Lina Furman (left) and Inna Rogover at the opening of the Restaurant “Tresor” in July 2015.

The path was never easy in nine years. The war for Lina Furman began on July 15, 2015. ‘Küche and Service do not get further than a hint at the Ansturm. If it did not work, it was just that it did not work. I am a thorough perfectionist, when I am there, war for me. ” Her Mistress and friend Inna Rogover sees the question: “Every month is also the worst day of the best. Because we can learn something at the end. “

The friends of the Globetrotter, this Leiden staff is in the Speisekarte. “I really want sashimi, I love fish,” says Furman. “And we would be on our way around the world and this is often done, but wool will bring that Fusion-Sushi nach Hause.” in a Japan Review: “Für mich ist der wichtigste Part, Restaurants auszusuchen.”

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Creative Fusions: I "Treasure" Sushi is served, it is a Japanese classic with a hat.

Creative Fusions: I am “Tresor” with Sushi-serviert, which is a Japanese classic with a hat.

If your “New Style Sushi” falls out of the Rolle, this is great. For all the messages, the following brands are: “Japanese are happy to eat them, we will enjoy winter frittered duck-rolls with rotisserie cheese and freshly baked potatoes.” Aber both Frauen und ihr Kompagnon Claudio Cairo lieben es, das Beste aus kostenlos Welten Auufzusaugen en daraus etwas Neues zu machen. “We will hear from our guest. Was gefallt ihnen? Was niece? Zehn Geschmäcker is now three,” explains Rogover.

Your success is celebrated by the “Tresor” chefs. Whoever is at the party is the holiday of restaurants, or at events with Halloween or Oktoberfest. “Ich liebe es, wie Feiertage in Amerika zelebreert was, with an extra decoration and tolls of costs”, says Furman, who has a Faible für Verkledingen. “There is a Halloween party that the Funke overwinters – the host family can sing along with you. “