
Was the Oberschwabenschau 2024 for the family with a beet hat

Was the Oberschwabenschau 2024 for the family with a beet hat

A family flug at the Upper Swabian Show: It is probably a festival on the calendar. Who has the Ravensburger Veranstaltungsgesellschaft (RVG), has given the Messe-Team its own organization, which has family on the Gelände-wohlfühlen. It is the Children’s Club, Clowns and a Seifenblasen-Show, Wickel-Bereiche and rough Ecken zum Stillen. A natural gigantic Traktoren zum Bestaunen.

Erste-Hilfe-Kurse for children is a new program this year. “Erasing can be life-changing, but that is important. When preparing the children’s dishes, Kurse Richter Spaß,” said Lena Lorenz from the Messe Team, which organized the children’s program. Der Kurs dauert etwa 45 Minuten en ist für Vierbis Funfjährige thought. Make sure that children can operate the machine. On the back is a stamped Pflasterpass and a button. Please let us know if you have any questions about the location ((email protected)).

Who will celebrate 2023 with the Children’s Club in the foyer of the Oberschwabenhalle eingerichtet. Here you can play small Messebesucher games and tobs. Die Betreuer has children’s face painting and children’s tattoos, Tisch- and Brettspiele in Angebot. Wer mag, kan mill en basteln. Willkommen sind Kinder schon ab dem ersten Lebensjahr. There are a number of gold-plated boats in Mindestalter. Auch Eltern can work with machines. In any case, it is not that the children’s club team cannot shed light.

Wickelräume and Fotomotive

Mütter, the baby is still woolen, but the children’s club is richtig. Um die Ecke is one of the two Wickelräume of the Messe. Use a cost-free wind, such as cleansing products and cream. The second Wickelraum is located at Eingang Nord.

An important attraction for childhood is the freedom of the press, so who chooses the obersch themselves: the big tractors and land machines, not the little people, nor smaller, if they are sinful. “Viele, the jetzt with my children for the tractors and photo machines, has been declared a child itself. No matter how many times it happens, it is a photo album within the photo album, nor the other photos,” said Messe chef Stephan Drescher.

A few Sekunden fürs Wiederfinden

It was not the intention that we would leave the RVG with passion with: Manchmal verlieren Erwachsene and Kinder einander auf der Messe aus den Augen. Damit man schnell wieder zammenfindet, gibt es auf der Oberschwabenschau das “Kinder-Wiederfindbändel”. Lena Lorenz: „Wir haben die Bändel an jedem Eingang prepared, of course for free.“

The band is an unopened Klebe bracelet for the species, on the other with a nifty number that is clearly known. Manchmal helps Passers-by a small lost Messegast of the Patsche and escapes, manchmal kümmert themselves the Messe-Team. Stets with Happy Ending: “We have never been able to bring everyone together,” says Lorenz.

Family rate with and without fahrkarten

Family comes to the messages. If the family visits the Upper Swabian Show and the Upper Swabian Farm, the Wahl will have two rates: With two visitors is the normal family rate (25 Euro). Now that you are an Erwachsener dabei, even with Dad or Grandma, Aunt or the Mom of the Schulfreunds, heißt the Group “Mini-Familie” (14 Euro). I request all children’s and youth lessons up to the age of 17 inclusive.

Children and adults can enjoy a Flechtfris-machen las at the Messe: Am Freitag und Samstag ist und Stylist wie ganztags, Stundenweise und kostenlos Flechtfrisuren-macht. A program for children and families is offered at the Bühnen der Messe. Höhepunkte am Sonntag since the Kinder-Mitmach-Zirkus with Klausi Klücklich and Vroni Frohnella at 10.30 am and the Seifenblasen-Show of both at 12.30 pm. Both are located on or in front of the South Bühne in Halle 14.

Am Samstag is Tag der Vereine

You can also enjoy the same experience as “Tag der Vereine”: Etliche Vereine aus der Region Nutzen die Chance für einen Auftritt, mit Tänzen, mit Kampfsport. It is the children’s gymnastics of SG Kißlegg. A man can let the Eissport go to the Eis: The Eis-Sport-Club Ravensburg said Athletik-Training en führt Elemente uit de Eiskunstlauf met Turnschuhen vor. The house is a small fashion show with Eis costs.

Die Oberschwabenschau and Agraria Oberschwaben starting on Mittwoch, 16. October, and dauern bis 20. October. Geoffnet is available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets provide all information about the program, Messegelände, Anfahrt and Parken gibt es below