
Langer Leidensweg nach Geburt: Innovative OP hilft Mutter

Langer Leidensweg nach Geburt: Innovative OP hilft Mutter

Tatjana Bonari has a long Leiden path behind her. After the child became his first child, it has been 37 years since he had a recto-vaginal fistula. The disease picture comes from the examinations of the pediatricians of a connection of the rectum and the sheath, with Erik Allemeyer, head of the proctology, continenz and pelvic floor surgery at the Franziskus Hospital Harderberg at the Niels-Stensen Clinic near Osnabrück, explains. “The symptom of a recto-vaginal problem can lose the enormous size of the body, but it can be that you get an unwilling treatment of intestinal gases, a secretion or a stool from the vagina.”

Auch für Bonari war der Leidensdruck sehr groß, who she paints. You can no longer pursue the best hobbies and last as long as possible. An operation apparently for that zweifache mumbles the only power of the besserung, the fistula in the Alltag and the family life is grimly beeinträchtigte. “This is the best for the health of the patient and the health of the body and the infections of the inner genitals, of the Gebärmutter and the Eileiter”, thus Chirurgie-Facharzt Erik Allemeyer.

First operation without success

Bonari was operating in 2021 in his homeland Moldova. The image that is in the OP is a fistula and the albtraum that started abermals. In Germany it would be like this if Hilfe does such things. “The tax war is so big, that this will form a new operation for my infringement.” It mumbles that he is informed about the war and continues with the special labteilung in the Franziskus hospital Harderberg. “We ask, the patients here aufzuzeigen and emphatically the further steps aufzuzeigen. Those affected often lead grimly to the symptoms and do not shame themselves to go to the doctor”, said Allemeyer.

A simpler quicker Eingriff for the Entfernung der Fiststel sollte aber nicht ausreichen, wie sich später herausstellte: „In diesem Fall since the Gewebeverhältnisse since schwierig gewesen. In Deutschland or in Mitteleuropa, it is still a pleasure to enjoy it. Once we get to the area of ​​specialty, we see such a krankheitsbild that the patients from the Australian country are a bowls, so the Facharzt.

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Muskel vom Oberschenkel is een eführt

The problem: After the operation in Moldova the web did not heal. “We will treat the patient and think of alternatives with a minimally invasive operation using the intestine during the duration. The fistulas can be removed and the patient can be relapsed a few times”, there is an operation to the surgeon. The fistula did not heal with this therapeutic approach again. “Based on the treatments, the blood supply in the area has also been poorer, so there is sometimes a relapse.” (Relapse)

It is necessary that one of the operational activities is changed: the next Grazilis-Plastik. Here is a Muskel of the Oberschenkel a full-fledged erhaltung of the Blutversorgung and Nervenversorgung under the Haut hindurchgeführt and switsing the Vagina and the Enddarm eingelegt, erklärt er. „Damn, a barrier has formed between the Enddarm and the Scheide. Jetzt has spent some of the time, that could give a higher chance.“

Enddarm with small Eingriff versetzt

It is so that it belongs to the young muttering, but the waiter has not even become a smaller barrier, the soda of the Arzt has never been so easy. „I have found the Endarm with the Schlüsselloch technology, also a minimally invasive Eingriff, and liked the Zentimeter verstzt. If it is good, it is a matter of one of the five ways to go cooking and go to sleep in the fungi.“

The chair must earn more money, it is no longer necessary to see the world. Only a full-fledged Abheilung can be performed. The next step is no more than the Zurückverlagers of the artificial intestinal passages.

For Tatjana Bonari, she feels grimly burdened with the last Eingriff aber schon der Ballast von der Seele, weil de inträchtigungen der last years auch ihre Psyche: “I am so happy and can’t nach zehn when who swims with sports machen – without any problems .” The age of 37 with his history of other affected patients is ermutigen, the Scham zu überwinden and sich ärztlich beraten zu lassen: “Denn damit muss man nicht auf Dauer life”.

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