
Altersuhr soll Lebenserwartung vorhersagen | Living & Erasing

Altersuhr soll Lebenserwartung vorhersagen | Living & Erasing

Longer life and longer life in the alternative sphere – many people dream of that.

The Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (USA) has developed a system that includes a number of chronic proteins and recognizes its risks. If you see woolly wool, you may get more of it Trauma vom längeren Leben näher rücken.

Seeing is the “proteomic hour”: Proteomik ist dying to searchdie in ihrer Analyze the body’s own proteins in a human Zelle umfasst.

Yours is a self-test, the so-called circulating plasma protein nutrient (in the human blood plasma enthaltene protein), a biological alternative to messenger and a risk for changing the diseases of ermöglichen, lasts 18 chronic diseases.

All for the most important diseases of the people: Heart, liver, kidney and lung diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. As multimorbidity (more diseases) and the mortal consequences of the disease can occur, when the affected are affected for a longer time and their diseases are not punished.

Auswirkungen auf Ihren Körper ab 60 Jahren – Infografik

If the test is performed in a complicated and complex way, then in general systems, the possibility of Krankenkassen is used. If you want to make a diagnosis in the course of time, you can investigate the question of the mind.

Proteine ​​sagas chronologies Alter voraus

Before the Ergebnisse de Gesundheitsdaten von 45 441 Menschen throughdurchforstet, who unterotherm Blutproben abgegeben haten. If you want to see dating in the UK Biobank of the Verfügung gestellt, a Datenbank in Great Britain, which are all for the long-term studies Krebs will be useful.

The Wissenschaftler identification in that data for the alternative 204 proteins, with the chronological alternatives can be used and set in relation to the functioning and cognitive functions of the bands.

Dabei is interesting for the research of science: Die ProteinI am strongly engaged in analyzing drugs, with improved biological action, and immune response, hormone regulation and self reproduction. And get started with Nervenzellen.

Smaller test variants in Arztpraxen?

Ihre Ergebnisse sich die Wissenschaftler noch eeninmal bestätigen: In een Validierungsstudie mit Biobanken in China (3977 Teilnehmer) en Finland (1990 Teilnehmer) said that the protein alters are a good addition to the alternative diet in the British Biobank.

The team has used a test variant, which now contains 20 proteins. If you want to perform the procedure in the Arztpraxen, it is made possible. But bis es so wide, much must still be investigated.