
Nike Promotion: Erholung setzt sich fort ()

Nike Promotion: Erholung setzt sich fort ()

The Nike promotion started on August 31, 2024 and the price trend was 75.27 euros, which was a slight decline of 0.04% compared to last year. Pride of the minimal pleasure of the sports equipment repairer in the last 30 days of the beach plus 8.38% shipping. Allerdings lie on the Kurs with 51.71% nor deutlich under seinem 52-Wochen-Hoch von 114.19 Euro.

Analysts see the possibilities

Experts have seen the most positive results and see more information about the Nike Aktie. As Gründe, the strong market position and innovative product development were created. Make sure you make a profit in the area of ​​​​the payment of sports equipment and leisure.

For the 2024 sales Nike has predicted an amount of 51.4 billion euros and a year of 5.7 billion euros. The dividend yield would be vorsichtlich at 1.41% lying. Due to the robust financial knowledge and the positive market developments the Nike Aktie is much more attractive.


Nike promotion: buy or sell?! New Nike Analysis from August 31st gives the answer:

The noses of Nike-Zahlen speak a clear language: Urgent Long-term request for Nike-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis on August 31st it was time.

Nike: To Buy or To Buy? Read more here…