
Talanx Action: Rekordhoch nach starkem Halbjahr – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Talanx Action: Rekordhoch nach starkem Halbjahr – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

The Talanx-Aktie has become a new Allzeithoch on August 31, 2024 with 78.13 Euro. Given the previous year’s price or course for the beachtliche 27.76 percent up. All in the month, the action shows a plus of 11.33 percent. Ground for the high flight is one of the most striking display lights of the insurance groups.

Gewinn übertrifft Erwartungen deutlich

In the half year 2024, a large part of a billion euros was won and the analyst forecasts clear. The business benefits from everything that is a profitable industrial company, so that it can become a robust company at the Tochter Hannover Rück. For the purchase of 2024, a purchase was made of 6.99 euros. The dividend that came to 2.35 euros was an attractive yield of 3.01 percent.

Analysts see the potential of the Talanx action, which makes the market segment more attractive and offers larger natural catastrophes. As risk factors, inflation is held back by geopolitical tensions.


Talanx action: Buy or sell?! New TalanxAnalyzevom 31. August loves the Antwort:

The noses of Talanx-Zahlen speak a clear language: Urgent Long-Term Request for Talanx Actions. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis on August 31st it was time.

Talanx: Buy or sell? Read more here…

Course and further information on the topic:

Talanx AG

Current discussions on the theme:

Talanx Versicherung … (22.08.24)
Schaun’mer mal…. (21.09.12)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Talanx Action: Rekordhoch nach st. (19:24)
Talanx Action: Rekordgewinne treib. (29.08.24)
Talanx Action: Rekordhoch nach st. (26.08.24)
Talanx Action: Rekordhoch nach st. (25.08.24)
Talanx Action: Nach Rekordhoch we. (21.08.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:

Talanx AG