
Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Telegram-Chef: Härteres Vorgehen

Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Telegram-Chef: Härteres Vorgehen

The Telegram design is lautet: no moderation, no rules. Now the chef would help. Is this another platform that is not simple?

Protest against the Verhaftung of Pawel Durow Photo: image

It is said that the average society in the future is bad in the Eiswanne, but it is a biological lake of 100 children who use their bodies to get the „weltweiten mangel and healthy sperm“. Pawel Durow, Techunternehmer and Boss des Messengerdienstes Telegram, has never led a false Modesty. In our years, the Wahlheimat Dubai Telegram has appeared on one of the most interesting social media platforms in the world. EndessesssssssssoneeineMiljardMenschendasGratisangebotnutzen.

Non drohen Durow bis zu 20 Jahre Haft. This means that you are satisfied with your Unternehmer, that is, in France, a Haftbefehl gegen ihn vorliegt. Gleichwohl flog der Staatsbürger Russlands, Frankreichs, der Vereinigten Araben Emirate und des Karibikstaats St. Kitts und Nevis am vergangen Samstag aus Aserbaidschan nach Paris – en wurde dort verhaftet.

The source of the französische Behörden: Telegram is one of the best ways to trade child pornography and drug, the platform on which information is offered, information about useful information, the illegal content spread, and continue. I think that the state bank has taken the form of an attempt to make Durow ein. A Ermittlungsrichter is an “extraordinary point of contact”. Durow can receive a cash prize of 5 million euros, which France has never spent and has not been able to report to the police before the week.

When Durows notes a telegram, it is an “absurd” idea, that “a platform or its property is accountable to the Missbrauch platform.” Die Freiheit, auf Telegram in Gruppen with bis zu 200,000 Nutzern and in Kanälen von unbegrenzter Größe everything zu verbreiten, hat Durow zum Markenkern erhoben. Telegram requires a lot of support, which is important for the fight against resistance, and calls for “prominents to roll” for pro-democratic movements and others in Iran, Belarus, Myanmar and Hong Kong. For the Russian opposition it is App Heute Kommunikationskanal Number eins.

This text comes from the Wednesday. Our weekly newspaper from the left! When the woman is in the world, it is – and it is good. A link to a home with stimulation, halt and the other way to look at the world. Jeden Samstag is new in the kiosk and of course in Abo.

One of the main channels for disinformation

Denn Telegram is closed, so we can quickly block all blocks and other major social media platforms can no longer have moderation and no rules.

So verbreiten sich and livestream videos of the attention of Halle and Christchurch, Darstellungen verstümmelt Leichen Schwarzer Menschen, Rekrutierungsanzeigen for the IS or masses die Angebote harter Drogen on Telegram unhindered. The platform is one of the most important channels for democratic disinformation, often sponsored by Russia.

The Danish Time Politics nannte Durow a “meaning freedom absolutists”, a bezeichnung, which is there, is itself a panacea. It is a right-wing anschlussfähiger, a free freedom limitation, like Elon Musk. Liberal democrats, the human and minority rights that promote their interests, will be considered “authoritarian” in this worldview. Who, who Durow, a space, in the heat knows small Schranken, gilded hinges as freedom fighters.

At the time Durow was picked up, there was no accountability for the inhalation of tragedy on the platform. In New Zealand, Australia, ex-hacker Kim Schmitz, known as Kim Dotcom, tweeted: “Welcome to the club!” Durow for criminal acts on Telegram interests are wanted, as Apple boss Tim Cook added, while broken iPhones are used, writes a utility on X. Durow has created the “freest space for communication in the 21st century,” now in his Freedom from the “Land of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” general, writes another.

How does the Kremlin respond?

While the years when Durow had a categorical zurückgewiesen, it was with the Russian state that it was so. 2014, the Russland-verlassen, after it is a refusal hatte, dating platform VKontakte and the Russian Secret Service weiterzugeben. 2018 we will be able to block the telegram from being blocked, since the external information has been refused, security measures have been taken into account. After the mass protests, Moscow was viewed aber darauf.

An Islamist attack with 143 Toten End March on the Crocus City Hall in Moscow remained in the Kremlin’s moderation: Russian state media will draw attention to a telegram from the Afghan IS recruiter. Kremlin speaker Dmitry Peskov said that a blockade by Telegram was not planned. Statistics have been provided by the Kremlin Durow with “more Aufmerksamkeit”.

Dass Moskau does not see Durow as more than Gegner, while it is true that the Russian troops in the Ukraine are useful for all Telegram zur Kommunikation. After Durow’s Verhaftung, Russia itself with brand protection is also a defender of freedom of expression on its own side, with different political motives. Minister Sergei Lawrow said that the Inspiration of Russia and France had a “Tiefpunkt” erreicht. The Duma Prince Wjatscheslaw Wolodin sah in der Festnahme a Versuch der USA und Frankreichs, the control over the Telegram is erhalten. “Telegram is one of the few and large internet platforms that does not want to have electricity in the US,” said Wolodin.

Among the major telegram channels in Germany there are right-wing extremist or ideological en extensive Kreml propaganda with often your conscious Reichsweite. With a look at Durow’s party, the German State Security President Sinan Selen, an Islamic terrorist or right-wing extremist, would be “not the Austausch who is with others plattformen”. Telegrams Answers to requests are “limited”, so Selen. There are flat forms, which are as fast and as good as possible. That’s why Telegram is not heard.

Grundrechte, Privatsphäre, öffentliche Sicherheit

Message has Telegram to Mirror-Messages in der Vergangenheit in mehreren Fallen von Kindesmissbrauch und Terrorismus Nutzerdaten und das BKA weitergegeben. An additional 100 from BKA on Telegram reported that German Channels and Groups would soon be released.

Telegram has stated that Durow’s party announced that the companies have “finally stopped the EU’s Digital Services Act.” The moderation “focuses on industry standards and is improved by default.” But that’s fragile.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) was published in February 2024 in Kraft Paper Regulations for social media platforms. The wide range of online platforms you can use presents you with systemic risks. If you act as a bereiche, you can in uncontrolled information about the non-life insurance: Grundrechte, Privatsphäre, Kinderrecht, Diskriminierung, öffentliche Gesundheit, Wahlen, de öffentliche Sicherheit und der „zivile Diskurs“. A new Abteilung der EU-Kommission-prüft, ob die Anstrengungen der Konzerne ausreichen. Andernfalls drhen Bußgelder von bis zu 6 Prozent des Jahresumsatzes.

There are now some very large online platforms with about 45 million users in the EU. Telegram has to cope, EU only has around 41 million users inside. Therefore the service must use “Risk Management” in the sin of the DSA-betreiben. The most important thing Telegram is that the long term of the war can no longer produce war at all. Vertreten is now a service leader on behalf of EDSR in Brussels.

Defensive in the fight against the sea

The EU-southern sister organization is therefore of the Belgian Institute for Postal Service and Telecommunications (BIPT). It is proven that May, whether Telegrams are correct. “We have not had a single number, which has more than 45 million monthly active users behind it”, said in the passages of a BIPT speaker.

Der Kommission reichte das nicht: Am Mittwoch leitete sie laut einem Bericht der Financial Times finding an explanation yourself, one of the things that Telegram does not actually do, but the Schwellenwert lies and spreads accusations must.

While the Kommission Vermutungen back, the Durows Verhaftung etwas with more possibilities to send the DSA home. “The criminal prosecution does not apply to the possible sanctions for a trespass against the DSA”, says a commission of sender Euronews. The DSA that was finally closed, was illegal, but there is no talk of a criminal record and can no longer be sold. Allerdings reports on the Kommission die Entwicklungen in Zusammenhang with Telegram and are “ready, with the French Behörden zusammenzuarbeiten”.

Who defends technology, the social media platforms on the campsite are it and the regular information they have, they want to reach another part of the telegram with a simple davonkam. Long sets Regular in the West on Freedom and Cooperation readiness of Tech groups. Meta and Google tell about Musk, Durow and other wehrten who are after Powers. It is possible that the Durows party is now one of the ways in which the gangart can use a flat platform.