
Update am Abend: Limit Controls and Money Discussion

Update am Abend: Limit Controls and Money Discussion

Anna Groot

Good evening,

Bundesinnenministerin Faeser (SPD) has control over all Border bodies. Damit soll die Zahl unerlaubter Einreisen stärker eingedämmt. Later, the controls with the Schutz der Inner Security roads were activated due to the terrorism that arose.

Checks were carried out on September 16 and on another Monday.

Addition to the corporate identity?

During the summer break, the Abgeordneten of the Bundestags comes directly with a guiding theme: This week the Haushaltsentwurf for 2025 will discuss. Green politician Sven-Christian Kindler hat jedenfalls schon angekündigt, that is neither spürbare Änderungen an der Vorlage geben wird.

Darin continues to claffhin a super twelve billion euros. A global budget reduction is planned in this height. Since the money 2025 has become a part, it is not all clear.

“Not serious anymore,” says CDU supporter Friedrich Merz of the Ampel conference. The confession of guilt was “now confiscated the paper” and criticized the political speech of the Union in the Bundestag, Christian Haase. It is a global minority that is not even that bad – the planted height of the Billiards-allerdings schon.

Is the Mindestlohn rising?

Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) has reached a higher level in Mindestlohn – with Verweis on a directive of the EU. The Mindestlohnkommission is no longer available, “if the right to stop is, the German Gesetz is all in the EU-Richtlinie”, so Heil. In November, the EU-Kommission must report the German Recht dem entspräche.

Laut de Vorstellungen des Ministers könnte der Mindestlohn on beef 15 Euro increase. Add the EU guidelines to the Mindestlohn 60 Prozent eines mittleren Lohns. In Germany, the costs of the German Gewerkschaftsbundes were 15.27 Euro. Derzeit is located on the Mindestlohn at 12.41 Euro per Stunde.

Those who are loved by their wives are

Misdiagnoses, remarks or sexist remarks – women were never treated in practice. Under the Hashtag #FrauenbeimArzt messages fell affected by my experiences. This is due to the gender health gap, also by the phenomenon, the frauenspezifische krankheid or the symptom disappears when the men are erforscht.

In a British study from 2015, a woman who had eleven Krebsarten was diagnosed as a man longer than she was a man – the disease symptom is due to the fact that the problem has not been resolved.

Sporting criticism of Mockridge

Luke Mockridge is a comedian who says that women comment on Paralympic athletes and athletes with strong wind gusts. In a podcast from 35 years ago, another message was written: “It is a human being without bones and arms, who gets thrown into a stream – and when someone drinks, he has to stop.”

ZDF expert Denise Schindler rates Mockridge for his exits:

Humor goes beyond that in the Paralympic world. There can never be distributed again. This war is absolute.

Denise Schindler, ZDF expert

Denise Schindler in Luke Mockridge's podcast adventures.

ZDF expert Denise Schnindler criticized Luke Mockridge for his Australian Paralympic sports competition. Humor can no longer be discriminatory. 09.09.2024 | 0:40 min

More sails

Daily allowance

141 Orte in Deutschland has no postal branch

Source: ZDF

If the country is inland, the Ruhe and air freight may be free – the infrastructure is less good than other transfer methods. 141 “undetermined duties” gab es in July at the Post. The Zahlen tribes of the Bundesnetzagentur. A common rule after common communities with more than 2,000 residents and residents with a minimum of filial habits. From 4,000 darf die Entfernung zur Filiale in zuammenhängenden Wohngebieten nicht more than two kilometers.


Clinics warn against following funding

Source: ZDF

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Streaming tips for the Feierabend

Blaming the college is for Marianne everything else as one of the most common problems. Look at your problem and your Elternhaus problem. The Irish drama series “Normal People” is based on the bestseller by author Sally Rooney. Staffel Eins is now available in all ZDF media library. (Zwölf Episoden von je rund 30 Minuten)
"Normal People - Wasted Opportunities": Connell (Paul Mescal) beobachtet Marianne (Daisy Edgar-Jones) in a Hörsaal.

04.08.2023 | 1:30 minutes

After the climate catastrophe has brought astronaut Louise in his path in “Tides – Kampf um die Zukunft”, there is a chance for a new besiedelung. Once it is so, a mission is hidden. On the Erde are small Anarchy and Gewalt – the last Louise in her comfortable life on the Ausweichplaneten Kepler-209 left behind. (100 minutes)
"Tides - Camping for the future": Total: Louise (Nora Arnezeder) kneels with the Gewehr auf dem Rücken bei Sonnenaufgang in a Wattlandschaft and looks at Himmel hinauf.

08.09.2024 | 100:05 minutes

Enjoy your evening!

Anna Grösch and the joint ZDFheute Team

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