
Scholz started in the Wahlkampf

Scholz started in the Wahlkampf

Kanzler candidacy

Taurus and Schuldenbremse: Scholz started in the Wahlkampf

Current on 22.11.2024 – 13:11 UhrLesedauer: 4 minutes.

"DEMO-Communal Congress" of the SPD in BerlinVergroßern des Bildes

Olaf Scholz must aufholen in his 19th Prozentpunkte Rückstand on the Union, if he will be in Kanzleramt. (Quelle: Hannes P. Albert/dpa/dpa-bilder)

The separation in the K faction of the SPD is the first after a major debate. Scholz has no power whatsoever. If you look at a Wahlkampfauftritt, this is part of your machine.

After the K-faction by the SPD-Spitze, the Kanzler and the designated Kanzler candidate Olaf Scholz started with a Speech for 100 Kommunalpolitikern in the Wahlkampf. It is believed that there is no love for the marschflugkörpers Taurus in Ukraine, who are conducting a debt reform and more bezahlbaren Wohnraum. If the questions regarding the separation of the candidacies with a keinem wort are a fact.

14 The war between the K-Frage and the K-Frage had started when the war took place at the Congress, after a debate had first started, because the Foreign Minister Boris Pistorius was the most likely candidate. Pistorius erklärte zuerst seinen Verzicht. After the Parteispitze ended, the Parteivorstand Scholz am Montag was nominated. The wort appeared on January 11 at the Wahl party on February 23.

“An diesem Datum wollen zegen, wofür wir stehen, wie wir dieses Land weiterhin führen können,” says Scholz in the signal speech. When the SPD comes onto the market, there will be a problem. On the swinging Ausgangslage with a back stand of his 19 Prozentpunkten on the Union, Scholz failed. There is a discovery with a Scherz, part of the blessing has been changed in his machine: De Wahl found the Geburtstag of Party Chief Lars Klingbeil and the blessing of Frau Britta Ernst statt. “Es muss gut ook gehen.”

Gleich was the first to speak the theme Scholz de Ukraine-Krieg und bekräftigte seinen Kurs der “Besonnenheit”. It is the right choice, Germany will lead Ukraine in the US to the US, as there. It is a fact that a Krieg in Russia and NATO is prevented. “Das habe ich getan.” The end result of the Russian Mittelstrecken rockets is a “real escalation” under his power, that no love for the Taurus-Marschflugkörper has arisen.

Von de bisherigen Errungenschaften würdigte Scholz unter die Reformen in der Migrationspolitik. During the war for debt reform, the Ampel Coalition with the Zerbrochen ist. “We were not given away, but we were not given away,” he says. There is talk of a ‘moderate reform’ if this is notorious.

Gegenwind bekam Scholz beim Kommunalkongress nicht. In one of the fragments, the Holprige clearance of the K-Frage can be used when the separation itself takes place. The Chancellor was given a speech with strong applause.

SPD chief Lars Klingbeil separated the Kommunalpolitiker from, after the Querelen der letzten Tage geschlossen in the Wahlkampf zu seenhen: “If the SPD was kann, then that is the fight.” A part of a heartfelt Wahlkampf is played: “Die Aufholjagd, het beginje jetzt, en da brauchen wir Euch,” said Klingbeil. “I like that Wahlkampf and I will win with Euch.”

Klingbeil is the path of the K-Frage management itself in the criticism given. The parties have gained a clear view of the Plates of the Ampel-Regierung and the Entscheidung for a Neuwahl as candidate candidates. Before the debate about Pistorius started, the debate started with the Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich about “Grummeln” in the party. Let more SPD politicians in the Municipal, Landes and Bundesebüne speak of an attack on Pistorius.

Klingbeil reported signal Vorgehen aber. “Of course there was discussion in the Party. “I am a Party leader, there is no Basta (…), even if I will be reinforcing in the Party, I will also be serious, there was discussion.”

The Ausgangslage für Scholz can no longer function properly. If anything else happens, it will be an extremely difficult situation. In the Umfragen, the SPD is active with the elections in 14 and 16 months, nor behind the AfD with 17 to 19 percent and only behind the Union with Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz (CDU), who remains silent in 32 and 34 percent of the elections. I am active in the ARD Deutschland trend, which focuses on the Greens with the SPD glide.