
This star is the winner!

This star is the winner!

After two weeks it will be the end of the day: The Wahl der Finalisten steht an! Kader Loth, Gigi Birofio and Georgina Fleur camp in Dschungelcamp in the Krone. Nun steht der Gewinner fest.

How about three Promises with the Dschungelkrone and Damit Ruhm, Ehre and 100,000 Euro? The Big Five is separated. Kader Loth, Gigi Birofio, Mola Adebisi, Sarah Knappik and Georgina Fleur are the Top 5 candidates in the Staffel of “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden”.

If the Candidates are to be rewarded, it is worth putting a point in the final. Die Wahl lies with Mola Adebisi and Sarah Knappik, where the Dschungelcamp as much as possible verlassen. Kader Loth, Gigi Birofio and Georgina Fleur are the three finalists and come together with the Krone.

When the letzten (“Alles eine Plage der Zeit”) are in progress, the finalists will have a wonderful time while in Camp Ihr ​​letztes Abendmahl zu nehmen. “I am happy, the gain is not money, is another ganz: Wertschätzung en wie schön das Leben da draußen”, says Gigi. And then the Frage aller Fragen-answertet: Wer wonnt “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden”?

Achtung, Spoiler: Der Dschungelcamp-Gewinner wurde kürt

If you are watching the final, take a look at RTL on the other side, then you can go to RTL+ verfügbar ist. The three finalists must release a statement and move towards a duel. Gigi, Georgina and Kader were in a Glass Helmet with several prisoners – the Trio had to press a buzzer. And black after six minutes! Wer ben next to the time dran war, kommt weiter. Gigi war with four minutes was a short way of the minutes – that must be the Dschungelcamp as Three-way.

They defeated Georgina Fleur and Kader Loth in the Crown. Regardless of how both Candidates have to perform in any of the other cases – those little things are essential. A fermented egg, antelope sauce and other speisen. Georgina reformed as a Siegerin and wanted to leave the Legenden-Staffel. “That’s it, that true Legend of the Dances!”, obtained by Sonja Zietlow. Georgina Fleur cannot fass in Glück noch gar nicht: “I can’t fass nor gar nicht. It’s so difficult.” Kader lands on the Zweiten Platz.