
I’m curious, who is it that I work as a team leader at CHECK24?

I’m curious, who is it that I work as a team leader at CHECK24?


I’m curious, who is it that I work as a team leader at CHECK24?

CHECK24 in Rostock like Teamleiter (m/w/d) in Kreditberatung. A flexible working time, support for work, modern care, team events

Rostock – It may be that one of the best ways to do business and do business can be a problem with a good field of work and a fairer story with the tuition fees – all is well CHECK24.

That’s something about Steffi’s play, who am standing Rostock in the Kundenbetreuung-arbeitet and here of ihren Erfahrungen bei these modernen Arbeitgeber-berichtet.

Good to know: Aktuell became new Leute in der Teamleitung gesucht!

The Bewerbung is still a number of things that are uncomplicated in our Formula-möglich.

Please inform about information about CHECK24 as well as work information.

CHECK24 Rostock as Team Leader (m/f/d) in Credit Consulting

I am Team of CHECK24 in Rostock, where a robbed re-approval in credit provision and many advantages fall.

I am Team of CHECK24 in Rostock, where a robbed re-approval in credit provision and many advantages fall. © control24

Here the bank is different: Im Büro von CHECK24 in Rostock stößt man wohl kaum auf Berge an Aktenordnern and Schnurtelefone – and wahrscheinlich trägt auch one one anzug.

Here, townspeople are working on a task modern office with lockerem workspacezum Beispiel Tischennis, Billard und Kicker.

Three times a week there is free ridesdazu kostenlose Getränke anyway Obst & Gemüse. And moist time-saving technology with MacBooks and noise cancelling headphones The Work is Leicht von der Hand.

I am Team of CHECK24 stehen single pro Quartal paid team events from Lasertag Besuche beim Quatschcomedyclub if he is from Bowling or Ausflüge at the Leuchtturm on the Plan.

At the end of October it’s party time for all teams in Greece 😉

Wer für den Job nach Rostock sees that, we will use the Umzug unterstützt.

Wer für den Job nach Rostock sees that, we will use the Umzug unterstützt. © control24

If there are no more ways in the field, it is financially possible to find a job at CHECK24: Beispielsweise can be counter-performance during a internal voucher program save up to 2,000 euros.

Zahlreiche Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten When you step out the door, the inner half of three years can be doubled!

Directions: We can meet you here as a team leader (m/w/d) without any problems in Rostock, but we will be happy to help you Redirection supported!

Other benefits of viewing:

  • Moeglichkeit zum mobilen Arbeiten
  • Please take care of your concerns about Altersvorsorge
  • Zuschuss zum Deutschlandticket (JobTicket) und Jobrad-Leasing
  • individual Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten

Sounds exciting? Then you won’t have any problems with your little one’s eyes behind the Kulissen from CHECK24!

Steffi says: That’s it, arrive at CHECK24

Steffi is the team leader at CHECK24 and is responsible for the entire business culture.

Steffi is the team leader at CHECK24 and is responsible for the entire business culture. © control24

Egal, whether tennis, football or gym: 34-year-old Steffi is active in sports in his spare time. It is likely that there is a problem with the loss and pain of man. Therefore, it is the one who is deployed as team leader at CHECK24. Steffi has made a few fragments:

TAG24: Weshalb has received Du Dich für CHECK24 von Deinem voorherigen Arbeitgeber? Was since that Unterschiede?

Steffi: After the year that the Baltic Sea Sparkasse Rostock was used as a beraterin and branch leiterin equipment, the war is a new era, a new unternehmenskultur kentzulernen. The Checkitospirit in Kombination mit der Kreditberatung erüllt mich. CHECK24 Supports modern, smart and rapid development of the arts.

TAG24: Has there been a final decision as a team leader credit at CHECK24?

Steffi: The recovery, own Kunden-Leads, and the time for my team, carries the power over the Reiz aus. Vertrieblich self erolgreich zu sein and das weiterzugeben, erüllt mich.

TAG24: Was gefällt Dir besonders gut a Rostock? Was power that such life?

Steffi: Rostock is for my homeland. Our buildings lie directly to Warnow, with a view of the water. If you have found a workspace, you can do other things with a clear conscience. We will start with the preparations, a dream for Woche Mittagessen and once in a while that we with more delicacies provided. Also a common team evening was held in Rostock.

TAG24: Was konnte besser laufen bzw. Are results being achieved, which Arbeitsalltag you want to optimize?

Steffi: The large size and rapid overview of new features are more natural and flexible, but the to-dos aren’t outdated.

Team leader (m/w/d) in the management of credit

As a Team Leader (m/w/d) you are responsible for your team leadership.

As a Team Leader (m/w/d) you are responsible for your team leadership. © control24

“Missgunst, Unehrlichkeit und Gerede behind dem Rücken”, is Steffis No-Gos for such students. All you knew was that the job was completed during the job test:

Your team is as good as your personal performers, solltest Du more enjoyable inheritance in the lifetime mitbringen, idealerweise im Finanzbereich, telephone representation or as Bankkaufmann (m/w/d).

First nachweisliche Führungserfahrung ist ebenfalls Voraussetzung für die Stelle.

More comments:

  • high Begeisterungsfähigkeit, Ehrgeiz, Verantwortungsbewusstsein
  • social skills
  • unternehmerische & innovative Denkweise
  • good feedback & helpful advice

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Can you imagine, the Rostock CHECK24-Team as team leader (m/f/d) to another team? Go to the fastest and easiest way to recruitment!

So, let’s put it this way: In the formula, continue to find contact details and load an optional Lebenslauf-hoch. After clicking “NOW APPLY”, you should still place your comments in the best email messages.

Danach setzt sich jemand von CHECK24 mit Dir in Verbindung, ist een wieder während sich jemand von CHECK24 mit Dir in Verbindung.

We wish we had a legacy with our Bewerbung!