
Magical Ort im Prater – Mödlinger ließen sich in the „Magic World Vienna“

A location, in the world’s best magicians. So who was in Vienna 150 years ago, is not yet a magic theater with 1,000 square meters. The magical “Anca & Lucca” duo meanders through its World Masters, gründete the VMT Event GmbH and remains on an instructive fläche in the Wiener Prater in the Riesenrad. “Ich sage es so: Die Location hat uns gefounden”, schmunzelte Lucca. The war in “Magic World Vienna” began and raged in June from the Taufe.

Nunmehr, the Top Magician no longer comes to Las Vegas and Hollywood, including in Vienna. Aktuell lauft des „Summer Festival“-Programm, zu dem Hannes Fenz, Mietervorstand der Westfield Shopping City Süd and long-term friends of the „Magic World“-Gründers, loaded hat.


Lucca Lucian, Kenris Murat, Christa Kummer, Andy Lee Lang, Aurelia Murat, Hannes Fenz, Yevgeniy Graf Voronin and Ondrej Paenicka.


Von den Darbietungen von Yevgeniy “Graf” Voronin (bester Comedy-Zauberkünstler), Kenris Murat & Aurélia (Manipulations-Meister), Ondrej Pšenička (as one of the best active Zauberer) and Lucca daselbst were also Sexpertin Gerti Senger, Astrologin Eva Vaskovich -Fidelsberger, der Botschafter des Rock’n’Roll, Andy Lee Lang, SCS Center Manager Zsolt Juhasz, ORF moderator Christa Kummer, Künstlerin Isabel Simonel, Mödlings Alt-Bürgermeister Hans Stefan Hintner and Klaus Granegger, ex-pilot and Lions Club Perchtoldsdorf -Mitglied.

Plan, the Magic World in Prater on an even higher level than this, is the following: I am still busy with a “Magic Bar”, a “Magic Salon” and a “Magic Studio” planned for another year, another Tischmagie-Café, magical exit -Rooms and a magical Museum will follow in 2026.


Auch Künstlerin Isabel Simonel and ex-pilot and Perchtoldsdorfer Lions-Club-Mitglied Klaus Granegger lie in their own hands.
