
ÖFB-U20-Woman woolen with WM spectacle winches

ÖFB-U20-Woman woolen with WM spectacle winches

The Österreichs Frauen-Fußball theft has started with WM-Ebene beweisen.

Beim Turnier of the best U20-Auswahlen der Welt in Kolombien dabei zu sein, gilded voor de ÖFB-Auswahl schon als Erfolg. Damit started wollen sich Nicole Ojukwu and Co. niece.

It is one of the most surprising moments when Coach Markus Hackl finds himself in the “least” place in the Achtelfinale. On the way that Dorthin makes with the service to give Ghana a richtungsweisendes game.

Another part of this series follows on Friday (03:00 MESZ) in Neuseeland. On September 9 (01:00 MESZ) there is a break in the El Techo stadium in Bogota with Japan from the Gruppe-E-Favorit wartet, who will become almost a punk.

“Werden Top Leistungen brauchen”

The top teams of the groups buy the extension in the Ko phase with the four best results. “Japan is one of the favorites for the WM title. Ghana and Neuseeland are in our Reichsweite, we have found a man who has bought a U-20 WM. We will take top performances, to the points”, says Hackl.

The focus was on the game. “Our goal is of course, the group stage continues and the round of 16 is approaching.”

It is no longer possible with Peter Schöttel, the old Tage for Turnierstart traveled with the lost ÖFB-Trio Lainie Fuchs, Isabel Aistleitner and Linda Natter after Kolumbien. “It is a full-fledged group, which is so self-confident and confident that the Vorrunde überstehen zu können, when we bring our leadership. I am for all a team, that with Joy on the Platz steht and with fell Energie Fußball games” , such as the ÖFB-Sportdirektor.

Rauswurf of Team Chef Spilka gutted away

When coach Hackl is the co-trainer of the A-team, he is an interim man in the broad jumping must, which at the ÖFB Mitte Juli gets from Hannes Spilka. Wirbel started with the ex-coach who seemed to help Truppe.

“I think it’s a good thing, we have a special team outcome. You will benefit from the other one,” said Vienna-Verteidigerin Isabell Schneiderbauer. Seit 20. August is the team, with Freiburg’s Nicole Ojukwu and Torfrau Mariella El Sherif from Carl Zeiss Jena with legionnaires and sisters. A Tag später went via Frankfurt to South America.

After a long period of preparation in Usaquen in Norden Bogotas, the follow-up to the Donnerstag der Umzug in the official WM-Hotel in Zentrumsnahen Stadtteil Teusaquillo, in them also the Gruppe-E-Gegnerinnen are unterbracht since.

Successful general test

The fresh journey after the columbia was ideal for exploring the views at a distance of 2,600 metres, while being aware of the weather. “Unser Plan is bisher aufgedingen,” says Hackl.

An Austrian Stürmerin Alisa Ziletkina complained: “The higher power is a natural German reinforcement, but will always do better here day after day.”

The WM-Generalprobe involves a fixation of 1:0-Sieg against Venezuela. “That is natural, that self-consciousness is strong. That is what we do in the first play,” said Vienna-Spielerin Sarah Gutmann.

“Not an insignificant risk”

With Ghana was one of the praising Julia Keutz a “in the Umschaltspiel game and with the highest tempo” Gegner. The gilded is on the hut of his being.

“With wool defensive compact and offensive our pressing ausnutzen. I am Ballbesitz more to see, I will not see any more Risiko and with our fast attacking attacks for the attack”, says Altachs Hannah Fankhauser die Marschroute for.

Eröffnet won the 11. Ausgabe der U20-WM am Samstag – with Unentschieden von CONCACAF-Titelträger Mexiko (2:2 against Kamerun) and Frankreich (3:3 against Canada).

Weltmeister wurden bisher nur Deutschland, de USA (je 3), de DVR Korea (2), Japan und Titelverteidiger Spanien. It is wonderful to see how the guest columnists work, for all the ways of 19-year-old Real-Madrid-Asses Linda Caicedo.