
Bill and Tom Kaulitz celebrate with Heidi Klum

Bill and Tom Kaulitz celebrate with Heidi Klum

Bill and Tom Kaulitz (35) celebrated their night on September 1 with Heidi Klum (51) on their 35th birthday. On the Tokyo-Hotel-Zwillinge holiday, some band colleagues were present, who were at war in an Instagram story by Klum. After the Fest wurden Bill has his own Instagram story in hotel zimmer with Herz-Luftballons überrascht.

Heidi Klum in a garment with metallic Schimmer

Schon vor de Feierlichkeiten war Party says: Tokio Hotel is set for the general public at the Summerdays Festival in the Swiss municipality of Arbon. Make sure you can buy your gifts as a gift for the sale. “Süß, we get the previous birthday gifts, aww”, says Bill in his Story. The quirky party remains in a club, like from Klums videos.

The model looks like a color with metallic shimmer, in the cut money card slots. “Just say, whoever you are, you are still 34”, said his man Tom Kaulitz, if he had appeared in his entirety. “Now we are closer to 40”, said one of the guests at a concrete party, there is only a few months later, under 30. A Mitternacht sings the holidays then “Happy Birthday”, while he had the Countdown heruntergezählt. And the Zwilling is ready again.

Tom Kaulitz went reading from

When Bill of his brother at the price of another gift, Tom went to learn. “Shit, I have nothing for you, Tom. I have nothing for you. I thought, we’ll give you nothing”, said Bill, as his brother turned over a large metal box. “We give a self-esteem to a nothing, but you have also broken the last one”, he remembered on his 34th birthday. “Yes, I thought I would do something now”, says Bill. One of the best ways to do this is in your hotel room on the singer: One of the decks swung a red Heart Balloon. We are sure that nothing happened.

Ihren 34. Geburtstag feierten de Kaulitz-Zwillinge in “Invisible House”, one of a mirrored house in Joshua-Tree-Nationalpark in Kalifornien. Netflix offers the Party with Alien motto for the series “Kaulitz & Kaulitz”. Damals were both armed with a gift net. Während Bill seinem Bruder a gemeinsamen Roadtrip bestowed, I am happy about his new Herz-Waffeleisen.
