
Meiste Messerattacken a Bahnhöfen in Hannover, Frankfurt, Hamburg

Meiste Messerattacken a Bahnhöfen in Hannover, Frankfurt, Hamburg

Meiste Messerattacken a Bahnhöfen in Hannover, Frankfurt, HamburgIn a Bilanz der Bundespolizei over Messer-Punftaten and German main railway stations, Hannover, Frankfurt/Main and Hamburg are after absolute numbers on the first three places. The broadcast of the “Tatmittel Messer” from January 2023 to June 2024 has been all cases, while a Messer went a little further or would make an eingesetzt, writes the “Picture on Sunday”, who could einsehen the numbers after their own request. Registered with the Bundespolizei on the night 1,012 Messer-Punftaten and the German railway stations, which were in Hannover (46), Frankfurt/Main (44) and Hamburg (42). The message has not been returned, but it is a matter of relationship with people who have fought a power struggle. Häufig went to Messer-Vorfälle in the Zügen: 2023 was 196, in diesem until June 84 Fälle. CDU General Carsten Linnemann is responsible for the accommodation of Bahnhof-verbotszons for the Waffen and the analysis of package and touch controls during the Bundespolizei.

Linnemann says about “Bild am Sonntag”: “Deutsche Bahnhöfe will go to Hotspots for the Waffengewalt. If you want to leave the Grundlage, it is worth seeing how Frau Faeser goes on a Security Tour through the country ine The symbol politics, which has a heart for the Minister of the Interior, has given the experts of Hotspots for the Waffen-walt power, with clear rules and prohibition zones.” An undertaking by Andreas Roßkopf of the Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP): “Messerverbote prinzipiell an Bahnhöfen umzusetzen, is a sinnvolle maßnahme. If anything, if this is done, the Bundespolizei dies as well. Currently there are no control measures possible.” Federal Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has the right to shift the right of the weapon to wollen.

Photo: Frankfurt / Main – Hauptbahnhof (Archiv), über dts Nachrichtenagentur