
Is this a new mega-city quarter?

Is this a new mega-city quarter?

Jürgen Hauke ​​​​and Peter Horne have looked for brand light if they want to see that day in the Wangener Stadtrand. And you have found Grund dazu. The largest investment project in the Allgäustadt is coming to the community. Dark became Baukräne and Bagger dort noch longer Zeit nichtbar signal. Aber everhin: Kurz for the summer power of the Gemeinderat a button and the Sache; this is the most common planning rights Hürden gemeistert.

Schornstein is not a monument

While the Gras-fläche runs in the Isnyer Straße, flying parallel Oberer Argen and Kanal it acts as the Brunnenwiese. Auf ihr soll Wohnraum in veldfältiger Art entstehen. Because everything belongs to the project, a city is located in the brache with a Sammelsurium and Hallen, others build and mark Schornstein: the gelände des früheren Textilveredelungsbetriebs NTW. Dort sollen under the Ägide von Hauke, Horne and the controlled Mitstreiter Alexander Köhle from Friedrichshafen and the Schussental a Mischiung from Gewerbe, Trade and more diverse infrastructure entstehen. And that is true.

Before you run a deck in the Pleite Gerutscht, you can learn the only industrial geände this. Zusammen with the Brunnenwiese trades as a large order of more than 100,000 Quadratmetern. If you see a Flächen for nature conservation, Ersatzleberaum for Eidechsen and Fledermäuse and other Notnauwkeiten, can bebauen as HKH-Unternehmensgruppe a company of Investorentrio gut 70,000 Quadratmeter Land. So the regional connection fell as two large construction projects after the Leutkircher Center Park in the erweiterten Region with the Landkreisen Ravensburg, Bodensee and Sigmaringen gilded, which Hauke ​​​​and Horne nicht ohne Stolz erzählen.

Stubbornly, 2023 will make everything fruitful

But in front of the Stolz are mills and snails. At the end of 2015, HKH put the NTW insolvency mass on the market for the industrial sector. You can ask the question before the interest in Stadt Wangen increases. Seinerzeit sprühte man for Optimismus: In 2023 everything will change and a year later the Landesgartenschau will start in the Allgäustadt a newer city.

But that’s not how it happened. The Garden Show becomes in the Few Weeks in Wangen’s History Books a – as said – of Baukränen and Baggern falls on the NTW area after every spur. Jürgen Hauke ​​​​and Peter Horne are no longer able to make the time planning that takes a long time. It may be that you have to see the consequences of an incipient event.

There is a problem with the war

When we were in contact with Brache and Wiese, Schnell noted that it was a complicated community service. The Obere Argen flies in an unguarded time. The nature conservation law is more strongly protected, and if the water masses get more power, many a charge can be hereditary.

Hinzu comes the long time without explanation about the time. A small little bridge to the NTW-brache – perhaps small, a traffic of a zig hundert beschäftigten and bewonern des gesamtareals zu fassen. Also must a new construction her. For the mangelte is a long time on the ausreichend Platz, outside the Frage im Raum, but it is not that it is so. A – of course – play here the natural protection of an important role. When the new Zufahrt over the Argen-führen went. Otherwise nothing.

So if you disable the investment plans for the new NTW Areas. A grundlegenden plan from 2017 with the Schwerpunkten-gewerbe (left) and Wohnen (right) which in itself is slightly different

So if you disable the investment plans for the new NTW Areas. A grundlegenden plan from 2017 with the Schwerpunkten-gewerbe (left) and Wohnen (right) which in itself is slightly different (Photo: Plössner Architects)

“We did not understand this dimension”, said Jürgen Hauke ​​​​and Peter Horne at Ortstermin. And my opinion is that the ways of the joint enterprise serve their business interests. You should also take a look at your thoughts and new plans in Kauf zu nehmen. If you are in the whole time of the city, the Municipal Council and various Behörden are “smartly accompanied” gefühlt. In particular, the two companies that form investors in a large lobe.

Kritische Stimmen aus dem Gemeinderat

Wobei Teile des Stadtparlaments would be impatient to shine. It is not so long ago, but it is a larger sitting room of the Rathauss that makes a critical analysis: if the end of the NTW-Areal is larger. By the investors the desire fell lost. A city where the Ruder itself no longer exists and HKH the Gelände (zumindest zum Teil) can appeal.

Jürgen Hauke ​​​​and Peter Horne have heard the voices durchaus: Immer wieder waren als Zuhörer zu Gast at Ratssitzungen. Den Willen is no longer lost. If there is no debate, it is gelände or the part davon a Baureife-verkaufen. It is a fact that a number of economic possibilities have arisen in the project.

Klar war die alle spätestens 2019. I let the year before the Corona-Krise more than 100,000 Quadratmeter finished markets sell, like him. While working through the time, the interest in the interest has decreased, which has increased the interest. When it went well, when we went into town, the Wangener Wirtschaftsreis and the IHK information about interesting information, everything was possible on NTW-Brache and Brunnenwiese.

What would all happen?

It is clear: if HKH as an investor of the project is built in an instant, the company will not go further than the other company. Wobei der Rahmen vorgegeben ist: In Wangen urgently beötigter Platz for Gewerbe wird es auf der Industriebrache geben, Raum für 220 bis 250 Wohneinheiten in Form von Geschossbauten, Doppel- und Reihenhäusern also Stadtvillen vor allem auf der Brunnenwiese. Eine Mischung, die in Zeiten des Wohnungsmangels heutzutage is especially important. It is interesting to see how the living environment is adapted to your cutlery. The accommodation and overnight accommodations are a guest house with an adjoining deck.

It is a one-time NTW-gelände from the Luft. An Investorengruppe will promise more.

It is a one-time NTW-gelände from the Luft. An Investorengruppe will promise more. (Photo: Archive photo: Stadt Wangen/Rack)

If a new city is a new city, it is in the planning one of the aftercare services, a central garage in the district 600 Stellplätzen, a Pflegee-inrichtingung and a medical versorgung die Rede. A Kita held Jürgen Hauke ​​​​and Peter Horne ‘durchaus für möglich’ back. There is no talk of a standard basis or one of the other ways in which others can engage, such as the kindergarten for the nachwuchs on the gelände-beschäftigter. If this is an argument, there is a dispute.

2030 will be quick to report

But all dies ist immer nor Zukunftsmusik – obwohl der Bebauungsplan beschlossene Sache ist. The new bridge requires additional generation. Most of the stamps are reproduced by Hauke ​​​​and Horne bis zum Jahresende. Erst anschließend konkrete Gedanken in Richtung Rückbau der alten NTW-Gebäude schweifen. Sechs bis zwölf Monate veranschlagen si dafür and rechnen mit einem Abschluss im Year 2026 – obwohl de Altlastensituation “überschaubar” sei. Since the construction phase of two years has passed, it is not likely that the year 2030 will start, but the largest quarter of the year will be announced.

Klingt auch für Laien imagination, zmal Jürgen Hauke, Peter Horne and Alexander Köhle “alte Hasen” in Geschäft sind. In the time when the grundstückskauf begins, a man can quickly spread an art-lifesaufgabe. This is not the case itself. The personal meaning of the sacrifice is described as follows: “That is the power of a piece, but it is safe,” said Jürgen Hauke. Peter Horne said differently: “That’s a cool project.”