
SC Willingen loses its match against TSV Mengsberg

SC Willingen loses its match against TSV Mengsberg

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SC Willingen loses its match against TSV Mengsberg
Where that is, as is drauf ankam: Willingen’s Siegtorschütze Jonathan Vach (right.), the here Mate Sicaja bedrängt. ©ml

The peculiarity was that one of the settings for SC Willingen was a happy achievement wish. But that was a happy war with the Gruppenliga-Primus.

Willingen-. Both variants apply. “Definitely,” says Kevin Kutzner, TSV Mengsberg’s player trainer. “That was a very poor performance,” said SCW coach Sebastian Wessel. In the table, a 2:1 (0:0) version of the table fuhrer is the “triangle” in the game.

Jonathan has seen the first big chance in the game for the Upländer (3.), but these then reihten in Aufbauspiel Fehler and Fehler. „Jungs, Konzentration im Passspiel“, ensures that player trainer Matthias Bott will lose his focus after a few minutes. The Räume eng Machend and aggressive in the Zweikämpfen, bestimmten de Gäste de Partie, obwohl siin halbes Dutzend Stammspieler ersetzen muststen, darunter Torjäger Andre England.

A Überdose Dusel für Willingen at Treffern von Mengsberg and Pfosten und Latte

SCW Goalkeeper Julian Luckey had to risk Carlos Kuntz, who avoided a late backstand (7.). Glück hatte er, als derselbe Mengsberger drückte de Ball aus vier Metern über de Querbalken (18.). On the other side of the page, after the last haircuts, the Fehlpass de Trinkflasche über de Laufbahn. An overdose Dusel then before the break for the Willinger: Kutzner first hits the Innenpfosten (41.), then the Latte (43.). “Jetzt weiß ich, where there are no Gegentreffer haben”, said Jan-Niklas Brandner, the coach of the lost.

The TSV’s highly deserved achievement may be the co-trainer, but that is not the case. There is a land 25 meters away from Chris Helm in Kasten. The first war of the season was an art competition. Jedenfalls war der SCW nun besser in Spiel, Sebastian Müller experienced the Tor nur knapp (54., 61.). Auf Dauerdruck schalteten die Hausherren nach der Ampelkarte tegen Helm weg wiederholten Foulspiels (65.). They will take minutes to follow the instructions of the bird, but there will be plenty of time for the Schnitzer to follow the instructions in order to be able to make the necessary adjustments.

Zum dicken Ende zwei überzogene Platzverweise

Die Willinger blieben im Vorwärtsgang, Vogel met per Freistoß den Pfosten (78.), the Kopfball von Jan Theiß andtschärfte Torwart Nico Geisel (86.). 60 Sekunden später stand Joker Jonas Dicke brilliantly aimed – 1:1. For the game Happy End, Jonathan Vach provided an excellent performance at 20 meters with the 2:1 refinement (90.).

“Deshalb has not come out of the closet,” said Wessel, “weil: for such an action is more gut.” Kevin Kutzner had with the Ergebnis, niece with the Leistung. “I have put an end to the Körner-gefehlt.”

An überzogene separation between his charities Colin Diehl enters the nachspiel era: If Jonah Schilling and Simon Luther have a Zweikampf aneinandergerieten, they are both on the Rote Karte. Riesige Aufregung auf both Seiten, man war der Meinung, “Gelb” hätte gericht Diehls Begründung gegenüber SCW-Kapitän Jan-Henrik Vogel: “Sie haben zu sehr gerangelt.”