
Who will function Döbeln’s new Book Club?

Who will function Döbeln’s new Book Club?

Döbeln. For Lisa Panke-Deutscher vergeht kein Tag, een dem sie nicht liest. Even in the small books in the Döbelner Ritterstraße, the residents and their self-esteem fell when finding books, books, cars. “I must spend a few minutes in the book.” Over the years for 34 years, the community with my mother Andrea Panke dies Buch-Oase in the Muldestadt, a stattliche Zahl gelesener Werke jijsammen: 80 since es bestimmt, he said. Was it true, is the Austausch über das, was von den Seiten in ihren Kopf gewandert.

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Black gibt is an Austausch with Kunden, but in Ladenalltag of course the Zeit feels, um in the Tiefe zu gehen. Deshalb will die in a Buchclub Gründen. The idea is not new – in Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz there is a new Buchclub-Angebote. Everything in the region is so that it is not right. „Eine Kundin hat mir zählt, dass sie in Dresden in a solemn Club ist. The war is for the right time, that is no longer in Dresden, said Lisa Panke-Deutscher and laughed. But why neidisch signal? Why is it not possible to buy a Buchclub? Gerade hat is so much fun that you can play a few roles, in the form of one of the roles you can play. More like good inspiration for those 34 years. A Umphage zum Thema on my Instagram channel that is said, that is not all with my Wunsch.

The idea: Buchclub-Treffen einmal im Monat

Bislang is full of possibilities for the knowledge of the Buch Oasis, in the “Leseclub” an Abo-monatlich is one for its extensive Buch offer. An Australian discovery is no longer like that. There is no problem. “I was amazed, who loved my lust,” said Lisa Panke-Deutscher.

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Imagine having a meeting in the Monat and immersing yourself in other rooms. “We will read all the books and discuss them so that our husbands can bestow them on them,” which will be the gratitude for a few prayers. The first encounters of knowledge are of course in the Buch-Oase stattfinden.

All mine Bücher: Buchhändlerin Lisa Panke-Deutscher liest self rund 80 Bücher im Jahr. If so, there's a good chance you'll get more wool over the yellow ground.

All mine Bücher: Buchhändlerin Lisa Panke-Deutscher liest self rund 80 Bücher im Jahr. If so, there’s a good chance you’ll get more wool over the yellow ground.

If so, then it’s not just about the mind, it was a yellow hat. “There are brands that have gone through a long history of the long night, while it takes a long time for a book to be written, then it is civilized.” “If we could not read the book, we could buy it. I think it is like this: if it is read, there is nothing wrong with it …”

Umsetzen was able to join Lisa Panke-Deutscher in the Buchclub since the first of January. Make sure Christmas Eve is the best time of the year. De 34-Jährige mag es, “wenn Bambule im Laden herrscht”, if wenn es herausordernd ist. A bisschen stress is that he is in Vorfeld, while he is white, it can be a good thing that a week before the Weihnachten is a best book that is woolen. “A dann ist der Title not dearer…”

I am no more in Buchladen than Bücher

Diesen Stress spares others. You can also purchase the Kunden Advent Calendar in all variations. And mechanically. “The first ones are the best,” said Lisa Panke-Deutscher. In the Buch-Oase it is no more than Bücher. “We are always happy to have both lowered ones, but they are not small items that we can give away.” , if you no longer know how sparrows are doing.”

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Was your knowledge most likely, erasing the Frauen’s time in the Buch-Oase-Team is natural. Rund 7000 Bücher haben sie in ihrem kleineen Geschäft. It was no longer possible to order a night. Momentary power of the small Mittelsächsische Boekladen with the Bundesweiten Mitmach-Aktion von „Deutschland Kauf Local“ and can be zum „Lieblingsladen“ wählen. A Kundin hat de Döbelnerinnen anmeldet. Until October 21, it cannot be completed online. Warum of the Lieblingsladen for the Döbelner sin? “We bring History, Fantasy, Culture into the House,” says Lisa Panke-Deutscher.

Spitzenreiter at the Büchern since Krimis

Some of the highlights on the list of books wandering around the Haushalte are the Crimea. An absolute trend is active in the new adult title. “Damit was created in the last years of a new soul group,” with Lisa Panke-Deutscher. Die Bücher focuses on a young Erwachsene im Alter von etwa 18 Jahren bis Mitte, Ende 20 and treaten entsprechende Themen dieser Übergangsphase ins Erwachsenenenalter. Inspected in the Dobeln’s Book Handling, they are fully illustrated with these Books, which are evident in all aspects thanks to their optical appearance. “Vielen Kunden is one of the inhaled people, as more of a clean Aussehen.”

Once a few years into the Soul Group, Lisa Panke-Deutscher has a few of the New-Adult books being read. A natural choice for the book club title is described. “Der Austausch hangs ja von den Leuten ab, die mitmachen”, said. “Under the Club, yes, you will be able to see it, but you will be able to read it, the man will never be able to handle it.”