
Offenburg A heißer Kilwisonntag in Oberharmersbach Nachrichten der Ortenau

Offenburg A heißer Kilwisonntag in Oberharmersbach Nachrichten der Ortenau

Das Wetter meinte es am Sonntag fast zu gut mit der Oberharmersbacher Kilwi. From 30 degrees the temperature is higher than on the Jahrmarkt and Festzelt.

The sun shines on Sunday, filling the sky and the enchanters of Kilwi Oberharmersbach shine Ebenfalls: crowds of people shovel over the Kilwimarkt in Ortskern and fans suddenly light up your soul in a big party, where blasmusik and a delicious lunch were enjoyed. A natural beer or another Kilwi beer. Short: A Kilwi is from the Bilderbuch. It seems that it will quickly become wetter with the Enchanter: at a temperature of over 30 degrees, however, it cannot be the case that the road to the west is abandoned and that the war will never succeed again.

Bastian Boschert, Mitglied im Vorstandstrio des Musikvereins, war natürlich bright, that’s a sonntag seemlich warm war. “We will have enjoyed all our visits and the progress we have made,” he said. Impressed that there were kühlende Getränke in Rekordzeit both the guests. The power of a greenhouse system can be increased by the operation and the so-called ‘Läufer’. They were in the Tat schnell, the service was neither am Tisch, as the desired Essen and Trinken are final penalty.

350 Helper at the beginning

Veranstalter of Kilwi Oberharmersbach is a year long a GbR with four Vereinen, which one or more Vereine jewels of the Organization and the Vorbereitung of the Volksfestes dominates, while others then Helfer position themselves, if so. In those years the music and association association of the organization begins, the help and hints of the active Mitglieder at all associations in Wechselschichten. On Sunday was 156 Helfer in Einsatz, insgesamt was 350, a four-day Fest zu stemmen. For warm speisen and the convictions of Kilwi-Hähnchen in the background near the company Klaus Jilg Catering and Gaumenschmaus.

All hands are ready to be played in the midday time around 1200. Visitors in the fully occupied party on food and drinks. For fun go to the stage Blasmusik. Often the decisions in the party come after a big bump on the Kilwimarkt behind themselves. If you see the whole palette in the store, you can make an overview of your leather goods with their Haushaltshelfern and shoes.

– To display –

So a market pollution has power on the back road of the car with a full electric installation or a strupfer. The cars that earn money on the Penny-Parkplatz and the bankbarten on the Wiese Platz, will use the debt of the energy supply for free Parkplätze.

Nor mal 200 Besucher meer, also beef 1400 hatten themselves bereits am Samstagabend im Festzelt tummelt. An Anbau and its power over the high Fassungsvermögen-möglich. The Besucher wants to perform live for all “Die Draufgänger”, who are present here, or hits who can hear “Cordula Grün” live. Proud of the people in love with their loved ones, informed Bastian Boschert of the Musikverein.

Whoever works together with the four big Oberharmersbacher Vereine in Sachsen Kilwi, is best helped by Stefan Lehmann. When carrying out concrete work, when the work on the Kilwi takes place, there is talk of a start of the work in the Dorf-sorting. “You learn to know comrades from other Vereinen better”, he said.

The Kilwi has a heute, monday, nachmittags a children’s program. I come then the ansässige handwerksunternehmen together, a traditional handicraft vesper zu genius. Abgerundet would be the Kilwi with a Tanzabend
by the Trio “Felix der Glückliche & Co”.