
Everything We Know About Yōtei, The Ghost of Tsushima Sequel

Everything We Know About Yōtei, The Ghost of Tsushima Sequel

Atsu looks at a mountain from a horse.

Image: Sucker Punch Productions

As the name suggests, the sequel is set in the areas surrounding Mount Yōtei, a mountain on the island of Ezo, or what is now known as Hokkaido. The first words spoken in the trailer are “We are beyond the edge of Japan,” and that’s true, as this northern island wasn’t part of the country until the 19th century, when it was colonized and renamed. So not only is the game set centuries after the original game, but it’s also quite a distance removed from it geographically. (Tsushima (Took place on a fictional version of Tsushima Island, which is located in southern Japan.) Given the time and distance between the two games, it’s unclear if there is any direct connection between the two games beyond the name. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jin’s journey is still the stuff of legend 300 years later.

Sucker Punch creative directors Nate Fox and Jason Connell said The New York Times that seeing Mount Yōtei during research trips reinforced the setting and title, with Connell recounting a time he stared at the mountain for “two hours”. Fox also cited a visit to Hokkaido’s Shiretoko National Park as an inspiration, as it combined both beautiful scenery and danger.

“In the park you have to watch a video that tells you about the dangers of bears,” Fox said The New York Times“Being in this incredibly beautiful park with jagged cliffs and water, and still being aware of dangerous bears all the time, was exciting. We’re trying to bring that into the video game — that sense of danger.”