
“I would love to play NBA games”

“I would love to play NBA games”

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“I would love to play NBA games”
Prominent Gratulants: Veilchen Ladies-Geschäftsführer Richard Crowder, Ex-Federal and ASC-Trainer Terry Schofield, BG 74-Trainein Ruzica Dzankic, BG 74-Vorsitzender Michael Arciuch, Ex-ASC- and Nationalspieler Dirk Weitemeyer and ASC- and Nationalspieler Uli Frank . © Walter Gleitze/gsd

The BG 74 Göttingen has loaded in the TWG-Sportheim am Kiessee zur Jubiläumsfeier – the Club feierte seinen 50sten Geburtstag – and quickly collected all the information, including some anecdotes from Schmaus and Trank.

Göttingen – In the blessing budget, the BG 74-Vorsitzende Michael Arciuch went another way on the Merit of 2022 lost Mitbegründers and long-term Vorsitzenden Wessel Lücke ein.

“Sweet, nice association, nice people. Makes fun too. But there is also a lot of work, a lot of administration, which is never sexy” said Arciuch about this association. If you see the people, the packaging, with the man who is not dished up, so at Miniturnier, – the largest German, as the largest European Turnier for eight to thirty-two children -, is now in those years ready for 42. Mal expelled. There is a way in which messages have been sent as a Vorsitzender for a year, but ‘I have not come out of it anymore’. If it stops, it is so that it is another few times that we continue. The young people must first slowly reinvigorate themselves in positions. It was one of the most special things, it is a children’s and youth work. In this region, all the Meisterschaften have won up to his German Meisterschaften. I am very proud of that. During our last match in 2007, the basketball match was played in the Bundesliga – with Babis Douloudis playing. If that is the case, who would have their own Nachwuchskräfte in our Bundesliga team of the women who have played for years and play”, so Arciuch.

Auch Terry Schofield, Meistertrainer of the ASC Göttingen, the two Ex-ASCer and Nationalspieler Dirk Weitemeyer and Uli Frank were loaded. All three years he spent 74 years playing in the Ü-Mannschaften der BG, which is why he was absent from the ASC 1985 in the Bundesliga.

“Wessel Lücke hat mir das Basketball-Laufen beigebracht. There is a basketball in the hand fallen, where one of the best things is and says: “If you want a big goose”, Weitemeyer tells. It was then a word and zum damaligen SSC Göttingen, from the ASC word, wechselte. 17 months ago it was 66 years ago that the German National Trikot. Against 17 years, when the young Spieler waged war in the German Juniorennationalmannschaft, he was robbed. Detlef Schrempf plays in the active time of the NBA in the Weitemeyer. “War ich schlechter als er? If it is no longer so, it is worth playing in the NBA ladies”, ist Weitemeyer von sich überzeugt. (gsd)