
Der Sieg gibt ihr Selbstbewusstsein

Der Sieg gibt ihr Selbstbewusstsein

Dance legend Georgina Fleur
Der Sieg gibt ihr Selbstbewusstsein

In the Legend of the Dschungel-Legenden: The Moderators Jan Köppen and Sonja Zietlow go to the Sieg with Georgina Fleur

In the Legend of the Dschungel-Legenden: The moderators Jan Köppen and Sonja Zietlow go out with the Sieg with Georgina Fleur.


Georgina Fleur is the siege of the Allstar Dschungelcamps. Davon can make even more profit by mumbling.

Georgina Fleur, 34, has won the summer show of the RTL show “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” (on RTL+) and has won an amount of 100,000 euros. In the last period that Kader Loth, 51, goes through time. Gigi Birofio, 25, at the DriRITen Platz. While the first “Bachelor” candidate and Skandalnudel Unbedingt Erste were wolllte, she was further than Freut and Welche Plane they now hat, verrät si im Interview with der Nachrichtenagentur spot on news.

When does it become clear whether you will buy the sieg?

Georgina Fleur: I have from the beginning a Willen-gehabt zu gewinnen. I would like to buy my Tochter. That was my drive – and therefore my motivation was unbelievable high. Now, who is the Ausstrahlung-laufent, bought everything there was and how freue mich so very, that I would have won. This gives positive feedback of the power of the glücklich.

Because Gigi Birofio Ihnen and the Zweitplatzierten Kader Loth did not understand, a Dschungel-Legende would be created. Who sees this?

Georgina Fleur: Oh, the Gigi is no longer young and inactive. If I think it is something that it deserves, it deserves. If I have mobbing in the camp, it is very hard. I believe that I have done and said everything, since 2013 in the Australian positive relationship.

Had the letzten Prüfung, der Essensprüfung been considered?

Georgina Fleur: The war is rightly bad, my total horror. The problem with the war is that my stomachs are so small after the war and that it is not so essential at all. Also the war really is a great challenge for me.

Haben Sie davon noch Albträume?

Georgina Fleur: No, davon niece. I like other things at the Camp more Albträume.

How about enjoying the performance?

Georgina Fleur: From these endless discussions, which were also in the Sendung zu sehen. The nerves are going well.

Was that the greatest recovery of the show?

Georgina Fleur: I am one of the most important wars, my daughter is so long no longer able to win. We were not so long and it was standard missing. Deshalb war is so emotional in the Ganze Zeit. If you do this, you feel comfortable flying and you can make your flight. If you are in the army, you get war.

Wollen Sie die Siegprämie immer nor for my Tochter anlegen?

Georgina Fleur: Yes, I have a good idea of ​​what they are doing, but they are a good source of information.

Want to earn your money – is it worth taking your money with you?

Georgina Fleur: On every autumn! Er hat mir ganz viel Selbstbewusstsein gegeben. And when it is white, my daughter is still on my mich. When you take the next step in the Fernsehen, and you can do no more, then it is a matter of seeing. It is a war with the first size, it is a geburt that has power.

Have you now found another Job Offer?

Georgina Fleur: A new project that was not carried out. If I can get a bad impression: I became more in the fall as I would see over time. I also love to tag a small reality show on my Instagram page today.

I am going to Ende 2020 in Dubai. Do you want to know if you want to go to Germany again?

Georgina Fleur: When I am so happy here, it is my Happy Place. I have seen Dubai in South Africa as a war and a war, if I could undertake more. Clear, Germany is my Heimat, but Dubai is inzwischen my Zuhause.

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