
Bad Dürrheim: Neue Heimat for the Pit-Pat-Club

Bad Dürrheim: Neue Heimat for the Pit-Pat-Club

Bad Dürrheim – For 30 years the Pit-Pat Verein with the daily meeting Sitz in the Familienfreizeitpark in Villingen gefoundet. If you experience minigolf, you can play the ball with more fun and play obstacles in Loch. Allerds are the Spielfelder on 18 Tischen aufgebaut and who is the Billard, man with a queue in the Hartgummiball.

With the Parks in the Gelände of the beautiful Klosterhofs in Villingen and Schwenningen the old city is newly platziert. The construction of the parks in the season 2005 was one of the publications that were carried out, after the vereinsmitglieder dared and also no longer trained.

There are many people who have a big shock, as the man has started to invent parks and a park in Saxony-Anhalt. So war goes over the Pit-Pat-Anlage road. A planted Rückkauf gelang nicht. During such an action on the Internet you could contact a partner in your northern sister and thus start a new edition in 2006. All wars in the city of Villingen-Schwenningen have no interest in a location for the Pit-Pat-Anlage relations.

Once upon a time in Bad Dürrheim, where the Tische in the Kurpark in the Narrenschopf adventure park in the Heimat area and for the publication in 2007 would be continued. At the same time, the Downfall of the Vereinsnamen in Pit-Pat-Club Bad Dürrheim statt.

Bereits in Villingen trug man a German Meisterschaft, a Europameisterschaft and an international Turnier aus. Traditionally, a city mastership started from 1994 to 2003. This Stadtmeisterschaft was opened in the Kurstadt in 2007. At the new edition of 2008 the international Turnier von Deutschland, 2010 a Verbandsturnier and with the Höhepunkt 2012 the Europameisterschaft ausgerichtet.

Last autumn before the management of the Adventure Parks, the Pit-Pat facility is a mini-business and provides contact for the management of the Sunthausen campsite. After the release of a deposit, the table would be built and Sunthausen reached. It is not possible to play the game.

Stadtmeisterschaft is planned

The anlage will follow a city mastership in the summer. If you train with working on activities on the most common activities. If Turnier finds jewelry, the Einzel- and Sonntags-statutes of the Teamwertungen. I am Team treten drei Spieler an. The pros consist of a small suitcase, in the wrong ball on the platz you will find a own game stock. Many of them see themselves also for the Stoß a wollhandschuh an, which is but no obligation. Before the game starts, the game starts with a ball seine boat in the color green, red, blue and yellow separated.

The ball is uninteresting in my Jumping Stories. On the Tisch it is party, as Tisch man which Ballcolor benutzen muss. When the balls are on the boards, you can play with the ball for a minute. A professional player is ready within 15 minutes to play 18 minutes.

Every facility is with its Tisch including the Obstacle with braces Hurdles, Rauten or Zweisprung equally built. With maximum results you can watch the ball in Loch-landen. When it comes to Turnieren, the won jewelry with jewels are awarded a siegpunkt. If it is good, it is a question of punkt.

Players daily pick all the stops together. The queues can be uninterestingly long and the points vary. Leader in the Pit-Pat of the Nachwuchs, the 22-year-old Principal Simon Schunggart beckons. There is a chance that a man in Bad Dürrheim can develop a talent. There can be a problem for a year and it may be that there are new things in the game. In Baden-Württemberg you will find in Bad Dürrheim also Vereine in Hardt, Mössingen and Ilvesheim. The parts in the turning remain constantly nach unten. Treasurer Martin Grüßer is busy playing and playing with enthusiasm. Match in direct duel can be observed well by his opponent.

The Pit-Pat game is a youth game that lasts for years, but has not yet begun. Men and women play in the category. Leader always plays few women, prays Scripture leader Dietmar Ströbele.

In Bad Dürrheim it is a visit to a holiday in Öfinger Feriendorf. You can attack the Spielplatz and the Publikumverkehr. Während der Öffnungszeiten der Rezeption können Stöcke und Bälle ausgeliehen.

Die Gebühr pays 3.50 Euro for Erwachsene and 2.50 Euro for Kinder. I take care of the requirements with concrete base since in Öfingen Eternitplatten on the Tischen.

Pit-Pat Club