
Serbia to receive Rafale-Kampfjets: a signal for European integration or a strategic Kalkül?

Serbia to receive Rafale-Kampfjets: a signal for European integration or a strategic Kalkül?

Serbians have negotiated a step towards military conflict with France and hell with the European Union. The Balkanland hat is designed by Rafale Kampfjets from French manufacturers Dassault Aviation to buy.

That deal, which was converted to a sum of 2.7 million euros, is no longer a modernization of the air force, but could have one of the most far-reaching geopolitical implications. The Abkommen would have had a meeting in Rahmen between Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and French President Emmanuel Macron in Belgrade. Both heads of state must implement the strategic meaning of the Armament Offices for the Swiss Serbian and Franconian Hervor.

Modernization of the Serbian Luftstreitkräfte

Serbian troops, the authentic MiG camping aviation by the modern French Rafale jets, makes one of the best hikes in the military Ausrichtung des Landes. If the Serbian Luftwaffe flies on the flight to the Bauart, it may be that modern aviation can no longer be used. By the Rafale jets, which are the fortschrittische armed forces of the Welt-Zählen, the operative Kapazität Serbian erheblich steigern, under the Abhängigkeit of Russia, a traditional Verbündeten, verringern.

Dassault Aviation, the repairer of the Rafale, has also done more activities in the global market in recent years, dealing with the trade in the states of India, Qatar and Greece. Because Serbia has the Kauf der Rafale only the more modern technology, it is about the binding in a network of war, logistics and more training, which are managed by France and its partner. It is a long-term binding to the western military standards, the country where other partners in Eastern Europe distance themselves from each other.

Political and strategic dimensions

The Serbian separation, if the Rafale jets are separated, would make President Macron a “clear separation for a long Bundnis-zwischen between both countries”. In der Tat die Strijt is not only military, under a political von Bedeutung. Macron concretes, the choice for the Rafale-Kampfjets, is a separation for a rigid binding of Serbia and Europe. It may be that the signal is made that Serbian can be oriented in the direction of the West, through the tradition back and forth in Russia.

The political dimension of these deals is a complex whole. Serbia is a country that lies in a delicate balance between East and West. Some things are a matter of Russia, other countries are a burden on the European Union. President Vučić has pursued a political policy under Druck, who now 35 percent of the Serbian population are the Umwürzt for an EU-Beitt. At the same time with an autocratic regime-proposed, the negotiation with the EU was further erschwert.

The Assignment of Rafale Jets could also become a variant of the interpretation of the American state, which will increase the position of Serbs on the international stage. Macron’s power in that country was courteous, while the Serbian governments had their power with the European Union, the attention of the little sisters in the Serbian population was not as great as that of the world.

Serbs play a role in European Security Architecture

The purchase of Rafale fighters can redefine Serbian roles in the European Security Architecture. The strong military cooperation with France and the potential of other EU states allowed Serbians to become a more important partner in Europe. We can concern ourselves with the context of the active geopolitical tensions of the European Union and NATO in their Security Strategy in Southern Europe.

Serbia can invest in Western military technology through these investments, while stability in a certain region increases, while the economy is increasingly affected by the war. The European Union can bind itself in France and make a greater contribution to the EU that wants to implement a policy on the Friedensschennis in the Balkans.

The purchase of Rafale jets is a sign of progress for Serbia, which is connected to the auctions. The high cost of offers of 2.7 billion euros in a country in Serbia, that is, the economy of the country can benefit from the control. Also the Abkehr von Russland as a military partner who would cast an innenpolitical critical look.

At the same time this deal offers Serbia the possibility that international new positioning and its military capacities towards modernization. The long-term effects in the Swiss Serbia and EU visions are stable in the region that is taking place.

If we look at the separation of the Kauf der Rafale-Kampfjets, the Serbian government has taken a new path and will increasingly meet the Western standards. However, in order to achieve a stronger integration into the European Union, many factors depend on the lack of modernization of the air forces.