
Hochbegabung plus ADHS: Top manager in über ihr chaotices Innenleben

Hochbegabung plus ADHS: Top manager in über ihr chaotices Innenleben

Hochbegabung plus ADHS: “Teilweise seitere ich an einfachen Dingen”

Symbolbild Hochbegabung: A woman leans into her Face on a sheave and guckt after draußen

Top manager with high demands and ADHS: “If there is a page with the wrong woman, who is resilient and creative, that is also: it is my goal after a while. And then the chaotic part of me. Inner life: I often only do something with the largest possible support, to answer emails.” (Symbol image)

© Maria Dubova / Getty Images

A top manager who was concerned with solving problems in his work could create a complex set of things and make a lot of money – it would be quite a challenge.

Protocol: Constanze Löffler

For the guilt it is good to know – and how to use the best notes. If I wanted to do something differently, I could do it differently. Years later I discovered the term “people pleaser” on Facebook – and it is enough: After a war with bravery and adjustment, different from what I feel inside. I distanced myself from myself. Manche things are not my thing; think of the strategies. All you learn is that I am not motivated.

Also when I am in the Studium with Leuten together, the gut structuriert and the vast majority of people. If the other house is so oriented to a WG, we will see the field and fall, an ordered Tages-routine is performed. Stubborn is that it is German, theater and philosophy studies, but it is clear that it is not possible to study in those “free” studies. I have joined Wirtschaftsinformatik. There is a study plan with preparations and seminars. This Gerüst is a mirror, which in my free time the interesting interesting things to do: dancing, traveling, learning languages, playing theater.

Hochbegabung: Trotzdem hatte ich im Studium Schwierigkeiten

Trotz meiner Hochbegabung hatte ich im Studium Schwierigkeiten. Beim Ausbinnenlernen sperrte sich etwas in mir. I’d like to die when I’m busy. Aber ich kämpfte mich durch – separate war keine Option. My gratitude for the war: If it is Studium schaffe, I will find an interesting job. I have become a post-doc couple at university. That is powerful with great Spaß. I have a strong career, were able to attend congresses on the road, were as well as experienced and experienced, built a large network of work. You may be charismatic and motivating.

Who is in debt, can see one of the things of the university, which others only with much Ehrgeiz, Zeit and Disziplin schafften. There is a time when we can get into industry. If this happens, it will quickly get warm. Bald when the opportunity arises, is a higher position in the future. Suddenly war is for their people responsible – that is I am today. Ich liebe meinen Job – eigentlich. Der Nachteil ist: I have an administrative Aufgaben. Therein I am not good.

I often feel like I’m being pushed aside, like a mother. On a page with the wrong, competent woman, who has a great responsibility in her younger years, and is resilient, faster and creative, there are also others. That’s my face outside. And then it’s a chaotic and bad functioning of the interior: I often get myself with all kinds of messages, emails of beans, formulas that are used or anthracite is used. Solche Aufgaben, the others make little mill, tread me until the creation. Sometimes I stare at my laptop and bake who laughs. This part of me I put under Verschluss. Mental problems and neurodiversity are no longer stigmatized. The previous one, jemand in meinem beruflichen Umfeld wüsste davon, is an Albtraum. The pressure and wisdom that has resulted in the responsibility for my work for my employer has made me sick. I may experience burnout.

Irgendwann works with the psychiatrist of the ADHS department

My child also has problems. Make sure you use the term ADHD (Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitäts-Disorder) and that you can read your lesson. If I have power over a terminology with a psychiatrist, I am a kind of reinforced and unhealthy people. If there are more problems, it may be more that I suffer from it myself. I have power then a termin only for me. The psychiatrist lies for a long time full and presents me with many fragments.

In the conversation with my fuhlte ich mich zum ersten Mal gesehen en woorden. Ich musste mich gar nicht verstellen! Before the war becomes clear, is the ADHS status (in the hyperactivity). It has been years since the war started in 40. The psychiatrist wants to bring ritalin to the other. Damit is getting me really better today. The medicine helps me, to set priorities. This means that you have to cook long and long. It is very possible that my time is a matter of cooking and cooking. It could not be more than ever, it was an “anbrannte” or a total motivation.

My trauma is, my idea is that I can’t use this medicine. When we don’t know anything, it’s not like we think. It’s necessary to die, it’s not possible to delegate more. At a time when I have a therapeutic machine, everything is better and I can spend more time on organizing. But die Deze nach een Therapieplatz is een grote Hürde für mich. I’ve never had a problem organizing a terminology.