
Lehrermangel bleibt in Berlin und Brandenburg bestimmendes Thema

Lehrermangel bleibt in Berlin und Brandenburg bestimmendes Thema

Afterwards, next week, holidays start in Berlin and Brandenburg de Schule. In both Bundesländern the city is still busy: In Berlin, the Bildungssenatorin Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU) has had 695 votes unbesetzt, in Brandenburg the bislang has been more than 450 Vollzeitstellen offen, whom Bildungsminister Steffen Freiberg (SPD) has been waiting for.

Under the new Berliner and Brandenburger Lehrern since erneut fell Quer- and Seiteneinsteiger. In November, the Berliner Bildungsverwaltung began to re-establish the senator in 3000, in 1273 with an abgeschlossenen Ausbildung.

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“It is possible that the federal teaching staff emancipators, that is not one of the thoroughly qualified teaching staff institutions, under the Quer- and Seiteneinsteiger”, says Günther-Wünsch. Zuletzt has the anteil at the new institutions and is located at 50 Perzent located – Tendenz rising.

Viele Seiteneinsteiger auch in Brandenburg

In Brandenburg, the debts after the Bildungsministers ministers were so rejected that Lehrkräfte would not last for a long time. Rund 3110 Lehrerinnen und Lehrer seien eingestellt be, davon seien knapp 1700 Seiteneinsteiger. Ungefähr 322,000 Kinder and Jugendliche start with the Ministerium am Montag in the new Schuljahr. Darunter has 25,000 Schulanfängerinnen and Schulanfänger.

After learning the data of the Berlin Bildungsverwaltung, you can see all the debts at the end of the summer at 404,000 Schüler. Damit was initially 25 years ago about the Marke von 400,000 and the debts and free debts of the Hauptstadt knackt. The deficit of debts is at a sum of 27,000, but due to the debt burden there is a trend turn. (dpa)