
This Bäckerei and Pizzerien gibt es

This Bäckerei and Pizzerien gibt es

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Traditional craftsmanship is making a comeback in many Frankfurt bakeries and cafés. There may be a strong production of acid products in the middle point. A selection.

Frankfurt – With your Bäcker, in the Café, in the Pizzeria or in your Straßen-Imbiss: in Handarbeit restored Products from Sauerteig since in the Gastro-Landschaft in Frankfurt auf dem Vormarsch. And all prices come from the most common circumstances: bekömmlicher, weniger Kalorien und kräftiger in Geschmack als herkömmlicher Hefeteig soll er sein. We have four Pizzerias and Bäckereien to choose from when visiting Cafés, which are set in Sauerteig.

Pizza Friedi on Friedberger Landstraße in Frankfurter Nordend

I recently described the Pizza Friedi in Frankfurter Nordend on Instagram as “Frankfurts Sauerteig-Pizzeria auf Steinofen”. Der Sauerteig dare more than a few days and then be prepared for “Pizza Sucuk” or “Pizza Bufula”. Different as a herkömmlicher pizza view by Mohamed Dasan’s team on the Hefe in production. The Teig was not restored with Weizenmehltyp 00, especially with Typ 550. There is a higher scale and an inner form Geschmack and Ciabatta, while the Pizzabäcker is gegenüber Frankfurt Magazine.

Pizzeria Mille Lire im Frankfurter Ostend

Mit Sauerteig als Grundzutat für Pizza is served in Pizzeria Mille Lire in Ostend. “Our pizza is made according to the traditional Italian recipe from different sources, such as meat, sauce, salt, olive oil, with a mind-set of 48 hours,” it says on the website. Look at the Pizzeria that comes straight from Italy. The menu includes pasta, traditional meat and fish dishes, salads and desserts.

This Bäckerei and Pizzerien gibt es
Pinsa – an alternative alternative to pizza. © Imago

Hand-made pinsa in Mainzer Straße near Isoletta

The pizza is Pinsa. The best product from the Sauerteig and the world, after your recovery, first after your return. A large Angebot bietet the Trattoria Isoletta on the Mainzer Straße. It is the Cavallo family that often appeals to duration: Insgesamt zehn Standorte betreiben si derzeit in Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Ihre Wurzeln lies in Westend. Head to Feldbergstraße to run 40 years after the first Isoletta. Aber zurück zur Pinsa: Die Teigmischung besteht nach eigenen Angaben aus Reismehl, Sojamehl, Weizen und Sauerteig. After 72 degrees, the temperature and temperature fluctuations during cooling have changed, so that the Steinofen are affected. While the lower part of the oval filling includes the knots and fluffy connections.

Pinsa at Ciro il lattaio in the Frankfurter Innenstadt

Auf Pinsa fokussiert is auch das Ciro il lattaio in Stephanstraße south of the Eschenheimer Anlage. Neben Salaten, Pasta und Antipasti founded de Auswahl und Pinsa op de Speisekarte des Restaurants deutlich hervor. The sourdough product is prepared by hand in our own kitchen directly in Bornheim with fresh flavors, another with Büffel mozzarella.

Immerse yourself in traditional handicrafts at your Bäckereien and Café in Frankfurt. Insbesondere at the restoration of Sauerteigbroten. (Symbol photo)
Immerse yourself in traditional handicrafts at your Bäckereien and Café in Frankfurt. In particular at the restoration of Sauerteigbroten. (Symbol photo) © Vira Simon/Imago

Café mehlwassersalz because in the Innenstadt am Frankfurter Dom

Bei mehlwassersalz in the Frankfurter Innenstadt ist der Name Programm: Aus den Zutaten Mehl, Wasser und Salz sett das Café im Erdgeschosssss des Museums für Moderne Kunst sein Sauerteigbrot here. Damit verrät der Name aber auch: Here is the Sauerteigbrot in Mittelpunkt. All products are completely complete after their own repair, on the packaging and on the packaging. The concrete houses of the long recovery process in the brote: During the long Gärprozesse were anti-material abgebaut – and the brot dadurch bekömmlich. Everything for the first Teigansatz is a Tage man, says Dennis Aukili, gegenüber There is one of the two Macher des Cafés and erklärt: “Durch the hohen Wasseranteil bleibt das Brot aber long saftig and fresh.”

Bakery Ouwe in the North

First opened two years ago in the Rohrbachstraße in the north the old bakery. The special: Here the Quereinsteiger Marius Hörle and Eike Becheres put bread out of sauerteig. As sauerteig is needed for a while to rest, the bread was finished in the morning. While the other damage can occur on the surface, a lie can develop, which is mold. It is becoming increasingly difficult, but no more than that, it is a spark of the Gründer. An internet page can be opened that you can take into account.

Speisen wie Gott in Frankfurt: Diese Creator gets tips on Insta and Tiktok

Egal about the best truffle pasta or New York Food Trends: These channels are Ausgeh- and Gastrotipps for Frankfurt and Rhein-Main.

Popular Sauerteigbrot at Best Worscht in Town kommt von Rödelheimer Bäckerei Huck

Die Bäckerei and Konditorei Huck are not undisputed in Frankfurt. Since 1936, the family business in Rödelheim has grown into a family business in the joint city with more branches in Frankfurt and Bad Homburg. If Brot doesn’t have any Huck-Theke kauft hat, he can know this knowledge. If the Betrieb is fond of its Sauerteigbrot, a Bauernbrot with more powerful Kruste and with house-made Brotgewürz refinement, and the Kult-Imbiss Best Worscht in Town.

Liebesbrot in the Mendelssohnstraße between Palmengarten and Messe Frankfurt

Frisch Gebackenes gibt is auch bei Liebesbrot in Mendelssohnstraße in Frankfurter Westen. In the backup you can find the backup of the debt gucken: The Backstube is directly one of the Verkaufsraum-angeschlossen. The range of products available includes quiches and soups for fresh snacks and home-made Marmelains. Laut The fine mecker der Dauerbrenner: Das Sauerteigbrot, made from 80 Prozent Rays and 20 Prozent Weizen. (ridge)

This list does not apply to the entire content. It deals solely with a small selection of bakery and pizzerias in Frankfurt. Which sauerteig baker has lost his or her list? Write to [email protected].