
Consider the community at the best sinking generations

Consider the community at the best sinking generations

Those climate activists Luisa Neubauer (r.) and Greta Thunberg.
Climate change activists Luisa Neubauer (r.) and Greta Thunberg make a strong impression of humanity through Generation Z and the Conflict that crosses the Generation. Money is an overburdened community. © photo alliance/dpa

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Those Gen Z, who are the Generation Z of the 1995 and 2010 born Menschen gern abgekürzt, gilt fell älteren Menschen, gerade der Boomer-Generation (etwa 2010 born 1955 and 1969) as high suspekt. It is gilded and forged.

On the Boomer page, Gen Z has become a generation of disruptors and links-structured links. If you want to get and see everything, but still not young, there is something you could say. The boomer who is in the oblivion of youth criticism, we will think about consumption, now that work and functional operation and as the main insurer becomes responsible for the Ausbeutung that is there.

Neue Einfamilienhäuser stehen zwischen Feldern am southwestlichen Stadtrand.
Der Traum vom Einfamilienhaus, möglichst nicht in der Stadt, connectet Generationen.© photo alliance/dpa

What really matters is that both of them were so unnoticed that generations of visitors are connected in Sachen Wohntraum: their own Scholle, the small house with garden in green. Because the woolen clothing comes from the young people of Gen Z, there is a representative from the Bausparkasse Wüstenrot.

Fast 90 Prozent der rund 660 Befragten aus dieser Generation hat im vergangen Jahr laut een Befragung von Wüstenrot und Württembergische AG de Erwerb von Wohneigentum as welltigen Zukunfts-Wunsch formst. It concerns the fact that young people in the whole of Germany are not interested in construction, so they are Wüstenrot.

The digital natives, who are getting more work-life balance in life, will have more and more freedom in the future of wool, the more sources of sources will be put in their offer (Greta Thunberg the last green). And then it is so that the display is ergab.

It is the name of the brand name to go to the Umfrage-Ergebnissen: Etwa 80 Prozent wollen ihren Wunsch nach Wohneigentum spätestes bis zum 35. Lebensjahr erreicht haben. Schnell is also born among Gen Z, while he makes the first attempt to see Wüstenrot first with Anfang 40 in his own four Wände-ziehen.

Kompromissbereit says that the relationship is broken by another Wunschimmobilie: a Neubau will not be sought after anymore; If you sweat it can imagine so, a real estate that works and that with intoxicating handicraft properties in the gewünschten state of affairs. If the money originally came from the Boomern, the Häuschenbau fell on its own strength (or perhaps more).

“The living environment is fun with a great deal of space and 40 percent of the residents who live there, followed by their own family living and living environment,” says Bernd Hertweck, Vorstandsvorsitzender of the Wüstenrot Bausparkasse.

If the second generation Digital Natives (Millennials born after the 1980s to the 1990s) with their Wohntraum get a clear insight into the short and large size of the city, its effects will increase. About 60 percent see a rural community or a smaller city with up to 50,000 residents of the large city for real estate auctions.

A greater distance for the smaller city and community will lie, a private garden or a larger balcony sees a terrace for the fragments that are a lot better than the steltwert. Why do the Boomer and the Gen Z stretch themselves, still so much?

In the “Wohn