
Wiener Schnitzel: So gellingt es

Wiener Schnitzel: So gellingt es

Know the delicious meat of the Wiener Schnitzels

Angela Schwarz from Styria said a Schritt für Schritt, wiener Schnitzel gels. Our author has fallen into his traditional family history.

The Kochlehrerin Kathrin Schwarz presented the Wiener Schnitzel and the author Simon Mathis (hint) geschaffen hat.

The Kochlehrerin Kathrin Schwarz presented the Wiener Schnitzel and the author Simon Mathis (hint) geschaffen hat.

Photo: Boris Bürgisser (Lucerne, 16. 8. 2024)

A riesiger Mocken Butterschmalz plump in the Pfanne and lost along the way. «So fell?’, frage ich erstaunt. “Yes, clearly,” replies Kathrin Schwarz in one of the most important dialects. “Wir sind schliesslich nicht hier, um abzunehmen.” We eat in the geräumigen Küche of the Hotelfachschule Luzern at Hotel Montana. In a few Stunden wird Schwarz, a Gruppe a Kochkurs has been built here. From the menu you will find traditional Austrian specialties for Knödel bis zum Kaiserschmarrn.