
That grim Frau hinter “Hausmeister Krause”

That grim Frau hinter “Hausmeister Krause”

  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

That grim Frau hinter “Hausmeister Krause”
“Hausmeister Krause” Tom Gerhardt with Frau Nadia at a musical premiere in Cologne © IMAGO/Horst Galuschka

There is a Cult-Hausmeister der Nation. If you want this, you can do this. Nadia Gerhardt has been on Tom Gerhardt’s page for 20 years.

Cologne – In the series “Hausmeister Krause” with the typical German Hausfrau Lisbeth Liiert. My wife in her life can not be otherwise than: Nadia Gerhardt (48, born Da Silva) is born in Brazil – with 1.57 meters right zierlich, with a temperament at 2.10 meters. If you do not want the woman to love you, stop with the openness. hat Nadia Gerhardt is a man with an interview.

Mrs. Gerhardt, what’s wrong with you?

Tom has his Job, I have my Tasks. If you start in the natural environment of the Veranstaltungen, then you will end up on the Rotte Teppich. Taking pictures that the war is okay, it is a fact that you have done something else. After the Fragerei am Teppich has started, it can go away even faster. I am very nervous, that is Tom’s Part. If you are not in trouble, it is good to find your job.

Was haben Sie früher gemacht?

I am a trained dancer. After the hype had become a ‘Lambada’, the nineties of the last century Brazilian parties and Samba groups were totally popular in Germany. My dance group was then used for engagements in Germany, the war lasted 19 years. The war was really crazy, it ended at the time. If you grow up in the halls with 10,000 people, it is totally successful. If the war is normal, the first photography war will take place. Insofern must man sich sich daran schnell gewöhnen.

And who knew Ihren Mann?

My tanz agent has a problem with the fact that I have a problem. A Brazilian party for a fernseh production. I don’t want to know, but I’m waiting in the hotel tomorrow at 5 o’clock. If war dams have an all-in mother, it is still not possible to use the Vollzeit in hotel equipment. My chef has not welded a locker, then it is so that he immediately said, that I come with my son and sofort nach dem uitritt wieder weg ben.

And then?

The show was great, the mood sensational. When the Auftritt is standing at the bar with my best friend, the water is gone, when a blonde has the gentleman on the right on a straight Portuguese Portuguese face – that’s a ‘schöner Auftritt’. If it’s net, it can’t be anything else. It was my first war with Tom.

Can’t Tom Gerhardt?

My son has actually loved ‘Tommy’ from ‘Vol normaaal’. If the type of film from the film is totally funny and irrendwie, the typical dick of the lips is machte. If we have not come up with the idea, the gentleman of the installation will help this Tommy found the movie. (laughs)

If these are first, it will be a big lie. After 15 years in Munich Nadia Gerhardt saw with her Son in Cologne, the couple became a duo Son. Nadia Gerhardt organized as Event-Veranstalterin in Cologne a charity project for her Geburtsland Brasilien.

What about your “Cologne Lime Ban”?

Tatsächlich was first at one of the first spaziergänge in Cologne. It is possible that Tom is a Gruppe Jugendlicher erkannt. The story of the Zeit ‘Köln-Kalk-Verbot, Köln-Kalk-Verbot’ and was Lachen und Winken. I have no understanding, that was soll and that was heist. And then Tom knows he is clear. The fact is that the mind is hab’. (laughs)

Your man does not see a typical Brazilian expression.

That’s right, but Tom is my dream man. I’m going to big men with blond hair and blue August. But it became more likely: There is a great deal of loss, it is a total bid, a total family man. So who am I. We have arrived.

Deutsche and Rhythmus, what is that?

After all, Tom is not bad, there is nothing wrong with it. Badger. It’s not that important to see this. The Portuguese language has ended up in the fall, it is a beautiful tatsächlich.

The private sphere is volatile, if you want to do a few things in a different way?

Of course Tom often knows that he needs his job. Punkt. If fans get an answer, it is a matter of insight and control. It can be a problem if you contact us for a while. De irrendwie schon mit zur Familie.

When you are in Brazil, do you want to take pictures?

It is a fact that you get a merry desire. A beach for Zufall a tour bus in my little Dorf in Brazil. It is absurd that my village is away from Schuss, that is not because of tourists. Then a small tour bus dies and goes to Germany. If the group then ‘Hausmeister Krause’ in the Brazilian Dorf erkannte, war is a natural sensation. Danach wants to look at the Brazilian a photo with Tom. (laughs)

Where is an option, with Ihrem Mann Tom nach Brasilien zu seen?

Early on I had suggested to myself that I would return to Brazil at the last with 50. If I can no longer imagine, so that my children can lead their lives, then go to my husband. And if it can no longer imagine, Hausmeister Krause is in Rente geht, not even in Brazil. (laughs)

In the Rhine, the Brauhaus culture is characterized by years of gepflegt and gelebt. There are still no Brauhäuser in Cologne who were in the Ursprung in the Mittelalter. Here you will find the Kneipenbesuch zur Zeitreise.