
Dressage Star Isabell Werth with his Legend

Dressage Star Isabell Werth with his Legend

Dressur Olympian Isabell Werth was kürt on 42. Deutschen Sportpressball on 9. November in the Alten Oper Frankfurt with the »Legende des Sports«. Ball organizer Jörg Müller started with a press conference.

The Rheinbergerin truth is playing the Spielen in the summer of Paris with eight gold and silver medals that are the bilingual hereditary richest German Olympiad competition and the world wide hereditary richest rider. »If you have a problem, there is a greater demand for the protection of the Pferden expansion«, explains Müller. In the Schlosspark of Versailles, the Edelmetall-sammlung would have played a Sieg with the Team and Silver in Einzel and won the war in the national ranking of a Kanutin Birgit Fischer.

The honor »Legende des Sports« has been available since 2007. Zuletzt has offered the Ironman World Champion and Triathlon Olympian Jan Frodeno the Pegasos Prize in this category. The game in the categories »Sportsman with Heart« and »Sports Media« can be a time-saving event.

In addition to the further event program, the German sports journalist and the Verein Frankfurter Sportpresse together with the Agentur Metropress, the motto “Merci Paris” goes to the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games in France Stehen. Eight of the German Olympic gold medal winners have achieved their victory. With 2200 invited guests from politics, media, show business and sports, the ball of the largest seiner Art in Germany will be held. Musical star guest is singer Howard Carpendale.

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