
AM and EMF

AM and EMF

Congress is about to mandate something that used to be standard in most vehicles – AM radio. This is an interesting reversal, as it’s common for Congress to mandate things that should be optional – like airbags and backup cameras for “safety” – that many people would choose not to pay extra for, if they were given the choice.

AM radio, on the other hand, has been a given in cars for at least 50 years. Until the advent of electric vehicles, which to emit signal-interrupting electromagnetic radiation. Rather than sell people electric vehicles with radios that work the way they have for the past 50 years, several manufacturers of these electromagnetic-emitting devices have quietly removed AM receivers. You can’t even buy them as optional equipment, which is a bit like not having a heating (this is probably the next step they will eliminate from electric vehicles, as it would increase the range in winter).AM and EMF

Some people like AM radio.

Maybe it’s because it’s free. Maybe it’s because AM can hold a station’s signal longer, over greater distances. Some people fondly remember listening to Art Bell’s coast-to-coast AM show. It was the perfect accompaniment for those long drives across the empty deserts of the West. Regardless Why they like it, the point is that mandating electric vehicles (via regulations that effectively mandate them because only electric vehicles can comply) has resulted in the removal of a feature that used to be standard. Cigarette lighters are another example of this – for politically correct compliance reasons. A topic for another rant.

In any case, the federal government now wants to enforce what it had its mandate stripped away. A bill is pending in Congress that would require all new cars to come standard with AM radio. But don’t expect the federal government to repeal the “zero emissions” mandate.

vehicle and minimum miles-per-gallon (CAFE) mandates that have effectively mandated the production of electric vehicles.

Isn’t government great?

Of course, everyone will have to pay for this – for the extra shielding or other necessary measures to dampen the electromagnetic emissions of electric vehicles, even if you don’t have any. Just as we all pay more to the insurance mafia for the “coverage” we are forced to buy because some people have bought electric cars that are much more expensive to repair – and replace – than other cars. Not to mention the costs associated with spontaneous fires that have to be “covered”, meaning that others have to bear these costs through “adjustments” to their premiums.

Including them home insurance premiums.

But a more interesting question arises – regarding these electromagnetic emissions from electric vehicles. Are these emissions dangerous? No one seems to know for sure – which is alarming, since these EMF-emitting devices have been marketed in much the same way that “safe and effective” drugs that were “vaccines” have been marketed, in much the same way that Dylan Mulvaney is a “she.” That is, without any actual testing to determine whether the electromagnetic fields generated by the extremely high voltages of EV batteries and high-powered electric motors that humans are exposed to pose a potential health risk.

There are no rules that define and limit how much electromagnetic radiation an electric car may emit and therefore there is no compliance incentive for EV manufacturers to shield the passenger cabin of EVs from the electromagnetic radiation generated by the massive, high-voltage battery pack and powerful electric motors that propel the vehicle. It’s similar to how cars were made in the 1960s and before, when no one cared about what came out of the tailpipe.

Isn’t it interesting that the government seems uninterested in the emissions of the devices that the government has (de facto) mandated, but at the same time is obsessed with the virtually non-existent emissions of cars equipped with an electric motor instead of a high-voltage battery or a powerful electric motor?

It’s probably just a result of the incompetence of the government; specifically, the incompetence of the government employees who are responsible for such things. Like the current head of the federal Department of Transportation. Pete Buttigieg has no academic or experiential background in a technical field, like electrical engineering. Yet he is in charge of the federal department that issues edicts about electric powered things. Michael Regan, the head of the agency that oversees “emissions” – the EPA – has a bachelor’s degree in “earth and environmental sciences.” That means he has a degree in political “science.”

These are the arrogant types who know nothing and have the power to impose things on people who are the guinea pigs who pay for their own experiments. They are even worse than people like Dr. Fauci – who is at least a doctor (in the Mengele sense). But they all share the same attitude of We Know Best and you do as we say.

The advantage of the AM radio mandate is that manufacturers of devices that emit electromagnetic fields must find a way to shield both the radio receiver and the people inside these mobile microwaves.

The downside of course is that mandating mobile microwaves that emit electromagnetic fields will not be reversed, because that would mean challenging the underlying lie about ‘climate change’. This is an orthodoxy that cannot be questioned, because that would undo almost everything these people want to impose on us.

. . .

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