
Fabelhafte Kürbiszeit im egapark- Reise in die magical Welt der Fantasie

Fabelhafte Kürbiszeit im egapark- Reise in die magical Welt der Fantasie

Erfurter Garten- und Ausstellungs gemeinnützige GmbH

Fabelhafte Kürbiszeit im egapark- Reise in die magical Welt der Fantasie

Erfurt (ots)

Pikachu, a Drache, an Einhorn – this magical blade. These fantasy figures are part of the diesjährigen Kürbisausstellung. These years begin by describing a “Journey into the magical world of fantasy”. From August 31 to October 31 since they have Fabelwesen, gestaltet aus Kürbissen, of large and small Kürbisfans on the following decks: Drache, Einhorn, Troll, Elfe, Medusa, Peter Pan, Phoenix, Pikachu, Pumuckl and Gandalf machen Station on the Philippswiese I am egapark. In the passages Tagen, approximately 50,000 Kürbisse in various Forms and Farben and the previous Holzgestellten were confirmed, thus entstand Schritt for Schritt die Fabelwelt. It is the perfect kulisse for all photos and a fantastic journey for the whole family through the great Kürbiswelt! You can make a small figure and party with your smartphone or camera in the picture.

The Besuchershop directly at the main entrance offers access to the best Kürbis products, Kürbisse and Schnitz sets. The Restaurant Caponniere and the Danakil-Restaurant are loaded with special specialties.

Naturellebnisse für alle Sinne

Während der Kürbiszeit is neither a special highlight: the NaturErlebnisTag am 20. September. On the World Children’s Day, the Kürbissen jede Menge is an attractive learning and training station in the same park on the deck, with small and large explorers exploring nature and experiencing many possibilities. There are so many exciting themes, that’s for sure: Who might be warmly visible? Who schnell causes Greifvögel? Was fressen die Tiere im Danakil? Who still has a Glückskissen? Experience all the excitement for an exciting experimental show. Here is Nature zum Erlebnis!

KürbisErnteFest as Schlusspunkt

Two months is the Kürbisse and the corresponding formed figures that you can best, then it is no longer necessary. Das KürbisErnteFest on October 31, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. the Schlusspunkt is located under the large Herbstausstellung. The own Kürbis figures were removed after 14 hours, everyone can be his own Kürbis figures. The Falknerei Jump is presented in the World of Greifvögel with its Rotmilan and interesting details zum “Herrscher der Rhöner Lüfte”.

Herbstliche Bastelangebote, Kürbisschnitzen, Gruseltattoos und Gruselschminken are one of the park stage with the moderators of ANTENNE THÜRINGEN. Die Künstler vom Xiang-Wang-Food-Artistiek e. V. fascinates live with his artistic schnitzerei and herbal decorations from various kürbissen. The small and large art teachers and art teachers of the Tanzschule Tanzrausch führen herbal Tänze auf. The Deutsches Gartenbaumuseum is from 14 to 17 hours. A number of culinary studies were carried out here, including a cost-saving choice for a Kürbisgericht.

In the Wissenswald since Hexe Krepelkirsche & Räuber Fürchtenix anzureffen, die ich mit Musik, Spannung, Zauberei and fell Spaß de Zeit. For creative works of art, there is Sie Christine Rauch von Wildrausch. The Fledermausgeschichte “Uli und Fibi” with the Ateliertheater Erfurt entzückt small and large guests in Mainzpavillon. The Abschluss is the traditional Lampionumzug – Treffpunkt ist an der Sternwarte.

Service information

From September 2, the Egapark will be closed until the Sonntag-geöffnet, the mountings are closed. Besonders started cooking in the kitchen during the family week from September 17 to 22. Dann gibt is wieder 20 Prozent Rabatt auf all Familienageskarten. Gilded on the Naturerlebnistag!

Press contact:

egapark Erfurt
Pressestelle der Stadtwerke Erfurt
Christine Karpe
Email: [email protected]
Phone 0361 5641126

Original content from: Erfurter Garten- und Ausstellungs gemeinnützige GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell